birthdaypicker copied to clipboard
Attempts to mimic the functionality of the birthday select lists on the Facebook signup page. It also adds some additional options.
Hi, If you want, you can take additional l18n support that I wrote for your plugin.
Can we implement localization?
This link is down: The one you find on the front page:
I have quite a bit of different scripts loaded in specific order. I want to set up an event listener for date drop-downs, but problem is that they always render...
I needed to support screen readers, so I added the option to add aria-label and aria-describedby attributes on each of the select boxes that are being created.
Your defaultDate functionality isn't using the UTC get year/month/date methods so if a defaultDate is supplied, your drop down list will always be a day behind.
If you have a Feburary birthday you can pick up to the 28th, but if your birthday falls on a leap year, the 29th doesn't appear.
Timur: I've added some support for Localization monthsLocal - for local months names placeholdersLocal - fol local placeholders names so you could $('div.bod').birthdaypicker({ monthFormat: 'long', monthsLocal: { "short": ["Січ", "Лют",...
In IE 7 after changing year or month select box 1 or 2 times,day select box became unresponsive[cant change the day]. It was a very old problem.I would suggest to...