pytorch-YOLO-v1 copied to clipboard
eval error
---prepare target---
---start test---
0%| | 0/4951 [00:00<?, ?it/s]C:\Users\vcvis\Desktop\pytorch-YOLO-v1-master\ UserWarning: volatile was removed and now has no effect. Use with torch.no_grad():
img = Variable(img[None,:,:,:],volatile=True)
D:\miniconda\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\ UserWarning: nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.
warnings.warn("nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.")
0%| | 4/4951 [00:01<55:21, 1.49it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 186, in
please help
I used i = order.item()
but it doesn't work
Move this line of code if order.numel() == 1: break
in front of i = order.item()
Move this line of code
if order.numel() == 1: break
in front ofi = order.item()
i do this according to your reply ,but it does not work. would you tell me more info about it ?
你好 请问你这个问题解决了吗 我也同样的问题
order sometimes is list, sometime only 1 element. (it's order!), so when only 1 element --> use .item(), when it's a list. use .list()[0]
hello,everybody, I have solved this problem. It just caused by the version of pytorch. most of all use the pytorch>=0.4,but this version of torch is 0.3 or lower. here is the solution of nms:
def nms(bboxes,scores,threshold=0.5):
bboxes(tensor) [N,4]
scores(tensor) [N,]
x1 = bboxes[:,0]
y1 = bboxes[:,1]
x2 = bboxes[:,2]
y2 = bboxes[:,3]
areas = (x2-x1) * (y2-y1)
_,order = scores.sort(0,descending=True)
# print("order1:",order)
keep = []
while order.numel() > 0:
if order.numel()>1:
i = order.tolist()[0]
xx1 = x1[order[1:]].clamp(min=x1[i])
yy1 = y1[order[1:]].clamp(min=y1[i])
xx2 = x2[order[1:]].clamp(max=x2[i])
yy2 = y2[order[1:]].clamp(max=y2[i])
w = (xx2-xx1).clamp(min=0)
h = (yy2-yy1).clamp(min=0)
inter = w*h
ovr = inter / (areas[i] + areas[order[1:]] - inter)
ids = (ovr<=threshold).nonzero().squeeze()
if ids.numel() == 0:
order = order[ids+1]
return torch.LongTensor(keep)