Cédric Néhémie

Results 91 comments of Cédric Néhémie

I remember seeing posted somewhere an issue about `language-sass` not marking single line comments properly. I guess this is what's going on here, can you inspect the comment block to...

Also I have a [test for that](https://github.com/abe33/atom-color-highlight/blob/master/spec/atom-color-highlight-spec.coffee#L154-L160), so if you feel like writing a failing test (in the case there's a real issue with a-c-h) you're welcome :).

Can you provide the basic informations such versions of atom, atom-color-highlight, os, etc. Thanks.

Does this error occurs with the latest version (2.0.14 actually)?

Thanks for the report. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the highlights or with the underlying markers, I'll have to dig a bit into it.

It depends on how you defines these colors. Do you mind giving me more details about how these colors are defined so that I can see which method would be...

Putting the following code in your init script should fix it: ``` coffee atom.packages.serviceHub.consume 'pigments.api', '1.0.0', (pigmentsAPI) -> colorRegexp = "\\b(LIGHTRED|BK_DARKGREY)\\b(?![-\\.:=\\(])" registry = pigmentsAPI.getProject().getColorExpressionsRegistry() registry.createExpression 'my-custom-colors', colorRegexp, ['*'], (match, expression,...

> Secondly, only some of the colours are being shown, even normal ones. This is not what I got when I tried, I had all the normal colors higlighted, except...

Actually, the colors should not be highlighted when on the left side of an affection, hence the `(?![-\\.:=\\(])` in the expression above which matches only when the color is not...

Oh right, that's because I omitted to put a space character match in the expression, the negative lookahead should look like this instead: `(?![ \\t]*[-\\.:=\\(])` Like in the color expression...