atom-tablr copied to clipboard
Quickly switch to text mode and back
Feature request: I'd like to be able to quickly switch to text mode, leaving my cursors where they are, make some complex edits, and switch back to table mode when I'm done.
This might help out before some other editing features land (insert/delete rows, copy/paste, etc. Pasting especially seems tough to do well).
This seems similar to grammar-selector:show
(ctrl-shift-L) but I'm not sure it's similar enough to actually use.
Feature request: I'd like to be able to quickly switch to text mode, leaving my cursors where they are, make some complex edits, and switch back to table mode when I'm done.
That's an interesting idea, for the moment, I made the switch in the opener to avoid having to synchronize the text version with the table model everytime a change is made, actually opening the text mode destroys the table view and replace it with a text editor. But I was planning to add a switch command to change the mode after having opening either in text or table mode. Keeping the cursors is also an interesting idea, actually I implemented cursors and selections as done in the text editor, so it theorically support multiple cursors, but given the differences in how selections range are defined (in the table case it's an area not a strip that runs from accross lines) I encountered a number of edge cases for which I didn't found an immediate way to consolidate them so I dropped the multicursor upport for the moment.
This might help out before some other editing features land (insert/delete rows, copy/paste, etc. Pasting especially seems tough to do well)
Yep, I still have to implement copy/paste. Ideally, when I'll enable multiple cursors I would like copy paste to work as done in the editor, so that a copy made in a text buffer could be pasted in several cells of the table at once and in the other way as well.
:+1: I've run into a few situations having the ability to toggle between text and table view would be helpful, too. Clearing the storage for all previous docs I've opened is just a little heavy handed most of the time.
Thanks for the plugin, @abe33, it's saved tons of time and a bunch of temporary google docs!
Hi @cjolly, I really need to take the time to dig this feat to make it efficient even with huge csv files, but maybe I can start with a naive implementation and we'll see what need to improved. Anyway, thanks for the reminder.
Being able to switch modes quickly would be great but also being able to have a split screen with the top section being the table and the bottom section a normal text editor.
Agreed. This feature would be extremely helpful.
Could you please comment on the current status of this feature request - as this is already 1.5 years old... I've got a xmltool, which is doing a xpath query and writes the result into a new texteditor window. With the current implementation, the only way to get this work is keeping the filename "untitled" - save the file as "[filename].csv" close and open again. Not really user optimized workflow.
For me workaround would be, to check if "tablr" package is installed. Open TextEditor if not installed or TableEditor if installed. Might be nice to have some sort of example to show, how such code should look like.