ReducePy copied to clipboard
URL shortener service using Tornado and Redis runs on Docker and Kubernetes.
======== ReducePy
.. image:: :target:
.. image:: :target: :alt: Codecov
============ Introduction
Url shortener service using Tornado
and Redis
runs on Docker
and Kubernetes
================ Getting the code
The code is hosted at
Check out the latest development version anonymously with::
$ git clone git://
$ cd ReducePy
To install dependencies, run either::
$ pip install -Ur requirements.testing.txt
$ pip install -Ur requirements.txt
To install the minimal dependencies for production use run::
$ pip install -Ur requirements.txt
======================== Downloading Docker Image
You can download docker image with::
docker pull abdullahselek/reducepy
and the docker page for the image
============= Running Tests
The test suite can be run against a single Python version which requires pip install pytest
and optionally pip install pytest-cov
(these are included if you have installed dependencies from requirements.testing.txt
To run the unit tests with a single Python version::
$ py.test -v
to also run code coverage::
$ py.test -v --cov-report xml --cov=reducepy
To run the unit tests against a set of Python versions::
$ tox
======== Commands
Running up in Docker
.. code::
docker-compose up
Running in Kubernetes
- For testing you can run reducepy in Kubernetes with using Docker. Run docker and then the following commands should work for you.
.. code::
# Use Docker for minikube
eval $(minikube docker-env)
# Create developments and pods
kubectl create -f deployment-redis.yml
kubectl create -f deployment-reducepy.yml
# Create services
kubectl create -f service-redis.yml
kubectl create -f service-reducepy.yml
# Get url for **reducepy**
minikube service reducepy --url
Sample Usage
.. code::
# Shorten url with POST
curl -i -F "url="
# Response
"error": false,
"shortened_url": ""
# Redirect to original url
# Error case with invalid url
curl -i -F "url=github"
# Response
"error": true,
"message": "Please post a valid url"
# Error case with null url
curl -i -F "url="
# Response
"error": true,
"message": "Please post a url"