Abdallah Nader
Abdallah Nader
Yes the problem was when I force the alignment to be right to left and toogle that The solution that worked with me to not make force content mode in...
Thanks for your response and I'm waiting
you can use this until they merge pod 'FluidTabBarController', :git => 'https://github.com/abdoh476/FluidBottomNavigation-ios'
This is how to make badge and put number to it `(self.tabBarController!.tabBar.items![index] as! FluidTabBarItem).isBadged = true (self.tabBarController!.tabBar.items![index] as! FluidTabBarItem).badgeNumber = "\(value.data.messagesNumber)"` you may want to handle making the badge false...
Did you put `pod 'FluidTabBarController', :git => 'https://github.com/abdoh476/FluidBottomNavigation-ios'` in your pod file then made pod install ?