### Overview (WIP) As a HUU user I want to delete my account ### Action Items - [ ] Product - [ ] Gather requirements - [ ] Screen will...
### Overview As a developer, I want to understand the technical requirements for the Guest Application Tracker and Host Application Tracker. ### Action Items - [ ] Review designs -...
### Overview As a guest I want to be able to see the hosts profiles I matched with and pick the one I want to be matched with ### Action...
### Overview As a Host I want to submit an application to join the program so that I can help the homeless youth. ### Action Items - [ ] Review...
### Overview We need to have house insurance mentioned in the introduction. ### Action Items - [ ] Add house insurance to the list of "All Hosts Must" items. ###...
### Overview We need to have a Reference check screen for the Host to input their references for SPY to check. ### Action Items - [x] Product - [x] Requirements...
### Overview We need to update the navigation buttons for the Host/Guest application screens to allow for users to exit and return to the application seamlessly to encourage completion. ###...