vcredist copied to clipboard
Problem with 0.78
I'm getting this error now when i install 0.78 to update my previous installation of you vc++ pack.
Also, i installed a game called "Chasm" and it installed the vc++ 2012 runtimes, for some reason it didnt detect the installed files of your pack.
This usually occur when original vc_redist.x64.exe is installed, then the cached installer is removed from C:\ProgramData\Package Cache
- start command prompt as administrator and execute:
set "_msikey=hklm\software\classes\installer\dependencies"
reg delete "%_msikey%\Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeAdditionalVSU_amd64,v14\Dependents" /f 2>nul
reg delete "%_msikey%\Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeAdditionalVSU_x86,v14\Dependents" /f 2>nul
reg delete "%_msikey%\Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeMinimumVSU_amd64,v14\Dependents" /f 2>nul
reg delete "%_msikey%\Microsoft.VS.VC_RuntimeMinimumVSU_x86,v14\Dependents" /f 2>nul
- manually uninstall vc++ 2022 from "Installed Programs" panel
- try the repack
if that didn't work, then you need more harder way to fix
most programs and games bundle the original exe installer, it can't detect the msi installer properly
Tried your solution and it didnt work, i had to use a program "Wise Program Unninstaller" to force the deletion of the old installers. Tried to re-install the pack and got the same errors. It doesnt identify the .msi package.
- start command prompt as administrator and run
set k=HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products
for /f %# in ('reg query %k% /s /f "C++ 2022 X64 Additional" /d ^| findstr /i HKEY_') do reg add %#\SourceList /v LastUsedSource /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "" /f
for /f %# in ('reg query %k% /s /f "C++ 2022 X64 Minimum" /d ^| findstr /i HKEY_') do reg add %#\SourceList /v LastUsedSource /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "" /f
for /f %# in ('reg query %k% /s /f "C++ 2022 X86 Additional" /d ^| findstr /i HKEY_') do reg add %#\SourceList /v LastUsedSource /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "" /f
for /f %# in ('reg query %k% /s /f "C++ 2022 X86 Minimum" /d ^| findstr /i HKEY_') do reg add %#\SourceList /v LastUsedSource /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "" /f
Tried that and got the same mistake. It asks for vcredist.msi.
set k=HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products
for /f %# in ('reg query %k% /s /f "C++ 2022 X64 Additional" /d ^| findstr /i HKEY_') do reg delete %# /f
for /f %# in ('reg query %k% /s /f "C++ 2022 X64 Minimum" /d ^| findstr /i HKEY_') do reg delete %# /f
for /f %# in ('reg query %k% /s /f "C++ 2022 X86 Additional" /d ^| findstr /i HKEY_') do reg delete %# /f
for /f %# in ('reg query %k% /s /f "C++ 2022 X86 Minimum" /d ^| findstr /i HKEY_') do reg delete %# /f
if this doesn't work, nothing else i can suggest
err, that error dialog box didnt refer only to vc++ 2022, it happened with all versions of vc++. ;)
@abbodi1406 - hi, tested 0.83 and i got this error with office runtime, the error demands a .msi installer to be used to install the office runtime.
Don't use programs that "clean" registry or remove cached files