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Firewatch-noclip copied to clipboard

Noclip mod for the game Firewatch


Noclip mod for the game Firewatch. This mod lets you fly around and get to areas that are unreachable during normal gameplay.


Click any of the images to check a video showing the mod in action.

How to Install

Download the DLL from the releases tab and place it in the game instalation folder
(usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Firewatch\firewatch_Data\Managed).
To remove the mod simply delete the replaced DLL and ask Steam to verify the game's integrity, downloading back the original file.


Unity3D uses a Left-Handed coordinate system, here are the buttons to change your axes in-game.

Key Action
NumLock Enable/Disable noclip
PageUp/PageDown Increase/Decrease your X position(right/left)
Home/End Increase/Decrease your Y Position(up/down)
Insert/Delete Increase/Decrease your Z Position(forward/back)


This repository contains my own modifications to the game Firewatch, no original source code is being shown, only adittions to existing classes.