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how to delete a row in worksheet ?
I want to delete a row in worksheet,but I can not find a method which can delete a row. Who can help me? Think you very much
class ZCL_EXCEL_ROWS, method REMOVE ?
class ZCL_EXCEL_ROWS, method REMOVE ?
this is my code. It can remove a row from rows. `
lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet,
lo_row TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_row.
lo_row = lo_worksheet->get_row( ip_row = 11 ).
lo_rows = lo_worksheet->get_rows( ).
lo_rows->remove( io_row = lo_row ).
I want code can do that:
lo_worksheet->delete_row( ip_row = 11 ).
I think the object model must remain as it is (and to be the same as the Microsoft Excel programming model), but maybe we could improve to make this possible?
lo_worksheet->get_rows( )->remove( ip_index = 11 ).
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