Alan Bahm
Alan Bahm
Sure thing - hoping to make it a useful Julia repo in a bit. On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote: > thank you for opening...
Hi Simon, Here is a surface that I'm evolving, at different timesteps, as visualized in meshlab I'm also attaching the .ply output from the simulation. [image: Inline image 1]...
Hi Simon, I didn't see github display the picture or attachments, so I'm re-forwarding directly. :-) Alan ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Alan Bahm [email protected] Date: Sun, Dec 14, 2014...
Thanks! On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 1:45 PM, Sdanisch [email protected] wrote: > I'm still not seeing the image ;) > But its okay, if I don't stumble upon any...
Thanks! The code looks simple to use! As I run examples/mesh.jl at the moment I get: ERROR: error in method definition: function Color.RGB must be explicitly imported to be extended...
I can't upgrade to v0.4 just now - I'm in the middle of generating results. But I will before the end of the year. :-) thanks for all your work....
:-) Hmmm, now I see this: ERROR: error compiling GLMesh: unsupported or misplaced expression => in function GLMesh in toopengl at /Users/abahm/.julia/v0.3/GLPlot/src/mesh.jl:207 in glplot at /Users/abahm/.julia/v0.3/GLPlot/src/GLPlot.jl:38 in include at ./boot.jl:245...
Hmmmm it fails on my main machine, a mac. I have the master of GLAbstraction, GLWindow, ModernGL, and meshes of GLPlot. My julia is: Julia Version 0.3.3 Commit b24213b (2014-11-23...
I commented out line 3 of the phongblinn.frag shader, and re-ran, the results are the same. But, is that the change you desired me to make? On Fri, Dec 19,...
The warning from line 3 is gone, but the error on line 31 is still there: The error now says: ERROR: /Users/abahm/.julia/v0.3/GLPlot/src/shader/phongblinn.frag ERROR: 0:31: '{' : syntax error: syntax error...