Chess.jl copied to clipboard
Chess engine written in Julia

Julia module which can play chess and chess960.
The goal is to create a reasonably performant chess engine, that can generate legal moves, and play with minimal interface (i.e. in the REPL). Bitboards are used to represent the state. This code is a learning exercise in both engine building, and performant Julia code, and is still "in progress".
Please note - this is not the Chess.jl that is in the packages library! For Romstad's more complete chess package, see romstad Chess.jl.
Playing a game in the REPL
julia Chess.jl -repl
The chess board and move history is printed every move in the REPL. Enter moves as "e2e4" or "h7h8q". Type "?" to see a full list of commands. (Note active directory must be src.)
Play a game with winboard/xboard
In Linux/Max OSX:
xboard -fcp 'julia Chess.jl -xboard'
In windows:
winboard.exe /debug /fcp="julia Chess.jl -xboard"
(Note active directory must be src.)
As it is during development, to load the module, you will have to add the path to your .juliarc.jl in your home directory:
] add "<path-to-local-repo>/Chess.jl"
Start julia (v1.7 or higher), then execute
using Chess