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:credit_card: Pretty credit card form built with Elm
Elm Credit Card
Pretty credit card input form inspired by https://github.com/jessepollak/card
Everything is written in Elm without any external javascript, or css.
- Interactive update of the card type and information.
- Can be used as just the card view, or as part of the credit card form.
- Supports multiple card type: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Laser, Maestro, and Visa Electron
- No external CSS or JavaScript dependency. The credit cards and logos are all svg dynamically generated using elm-svg.
- Implemented as reusable views that will fit nicely with The Elm Architecture.
Live Demo
See here for live demo
How to Install
You can install this package running:
elm-package install abadi199/elm-creditcard
or by manually adding abadi199/elm-creditcard
to your elm-package.json
How to Use
This component implements The Elm Architecture (TEA), so if you're application also implements TEA, then using this components is simply by adding it to be part of your view
, update
, and Model
You can use this component in two ways; one is by rendering the whole form together, or rendering each input fields and card individually.
Example of using card
import CreditCard
import CreditCard.Config
type alias Model =
{ number : Maybe String
, name : Maybe String
, month : Maybe String
, year : Maybe String
, cvv : Maybe String
, state : CreditCard.State
view model =
CreditCard.card CreditCard.Config.defaultConfig model
Example of using form
import CreditCard
import CreditCard.Config
type alias Model =
{ number : Maybe String
, name : Maybe String
, month : Maybe String
, year : Maybe String
, cvv : Maybe String
, state : CreditCard.State
type Msg
= UpdateCardData Model
view model =
CreditCard.form (CreditCard.Config.defaultFormConfig UpdateCardData) model
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateCardData updatedModel ->
( updatedModel, Cmd.none )
You can see the full code for this in the example folder.
Please see Elm Package for complete documentation.
- Submit a pull request! If you're missing a feature you want to have, or just found a bug, or found an error in the docs, please submit a pull request.
- Create an issue! If you found a bug or want a new feature that you think will make the library better, but don't have time to do it yourself, please submit an issue.
- Message me on slack or twitter if you just want to give me a feedback or thank me. I'm abadi199 on elm-lang slack channel.
Apache 2.0