Abdul Ali Noori
Abdul Ali Noori
Portfolio website will showcase all of my recent work. It will also maintain the information and history of my recent projects, the brave information about me, and the link to my resume.
SalsalDevGroup Website is a platform to showcase the Salsal Developers group recent projects, maintain the information and history of the group recent projects, the short biography of each developer,...
A simple book store with vanilla JavaScript. You can select multiple numbers of books. Adding them to cart, removing them from cart, decreasing and increasing the cart amount and calculating the total...
Cryptopanel is a single page web app that is created using React and Redux and fetches data from CoinGecko API. The application allows users to get details of cryptocurrencies information.
In this project, we will be working with the real live data from the SpaceX API. Our task is to build a web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. The...
A copy of To-Do-List project created for the purpose of receiving partners reviews and feedbacks.
Throughout the project, the team learned how to utilize a module within a class. We designed a class called MyList and incorporated a module named MyEnumerable, which implemented a limited set of func...
Awesome movies is a JavaScript-based project that utilizes ES6 syntax, async/await, and follows best practices to build single page apps. The project ensures code quality through unit tests, code revi...
Personal repository to locate the README file about my GitHub profile.
"Math magicians" is a website for mathematics fans. It is a Single Page App (SPA) created using React.JS library, that allows users to make simple calculations and read a random math-related quote.