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Add decentralized pinning services for Aave AIP
This is an issue from Crust Network team. We would like to contribute and provide a decentralized IPFS pinning solution for Aave aip file storage
Recently, Uniswap has enabled decentralized deployment of websites by integrating Crust Network into Uniswap's release workflow. The same integration was later realized by Polkadot, the PolkaApps is now hosted on Crust Network decentralized.
Aave also has a high influence in Defi ecosystem. We would like to contribute and provide a decentralized IPFS pinning solution for Aave aip files, to further increase the availability and decentralization.
We have built a standard Github Workflow to pin a website to Crust Network in a decentralized way:
We suggest some code changes after and to include ipfs-crust-pinner. You can preview changes at our fork: The workflow execution will distribute Aave-aip over Crust Network and get about 100 IPFS replicas.
Additional Context
You can contact us at [email protected]. We can help prepare a code PR. The pin service will be free for Aave, and you can mail us for necessary seeds to call Crust IPFS Pin service.
About Crust
Crust Network ( is a decentralized storage network based on IPFS and Substrate, and it basically provides decentralized IPFS service. Now Crust is running preview network Maxwell and got 1000+ nodes joined in to provide IPFS storage (
More details of the integration of Uniswap is in Decentralized Uniswap Interface Hosting on IPFS.
Crust github URL:
Crust docs URL: