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Question: Were I can find the logFile?
I am tryinig this tool, for this call I get an sucessfull message:
curl -d '{"command": "create_user", "server": "SERVERURL", "data": {"[email protected]": { "fullName": "Super Duper Tester", "pwd": "test123", "provider": "greenlight"}}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://SERVERURL:8008/api/v1/commands
{ "data": { "command": "create_user", "data": { "[email protected]": { "fullName": "Super Duper Tester", "pwd": "test123", "provider": "greenlight" } }, "server": "" }, "message": "command queued successfully" }
But nothing is happening. I would like to understand what is going on. Could you please tell me were I can find the LogFile?
Ok, I found the log:
great you found the logfile. you get a lot of feedback in the systemctl status and the syslog too. ;-) the single components have their own logging. should be centraliced in the file though.
first thing I can see is, that you specify "server url" this won't work. you have to add a server to the system first and use the ID you give this server.
Hello @mtsonline ,
is a placeholder for my server url.
I got also an answer for:
curl -X GET http://SERVER_URL:8008/api/v1/meetings
{ "data": [], "message": "found meetings" }
as I Said, you cannot specify a server url in the api commands of scheduLight. First add servers and then use the given Name/ID to interact with them. Have a look at the example config file to understand how servers/users objects look like. hth
Hello @mtsonline ,
thank you for the answer, I have specified the serverentrys:
If I change something in
do I need to recompile it?
regarding the bbb server where did you specify the url and secret? the parent should be the id you later can use.
no you do not have to recompile you just have to restart the processors. hth
Hello @mtsonline ,
I have specified the values in the file: config.yml
Hello @mtsonline ,
I only see this warning in the log:
2020-09-22 12:38:45 scheduLight DEBUG Redis stream warning: BUSYGROUP Consumer Group name already exists
It seems that the commands are not called.
I also can't find the log greenLight.log
the processors must be running.
there is no greenlight log - this just is a class that is imported.
if you specify everything in the config you have to run the read process manually to have it importet. hth
Hello @mtsonline,
- I thought the processors are runnig if I stop:
systemctl stop
and restart it:systemctl start scheduLight
But you are right, I am running this:
systemctl -l status scheduLight-commandsProcessor
it says that is inactive:
scheduLight-commandsProcessor.service Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory) Active: inactive (dead)
Do I need to start it manually?
I thought there is an
if I look at this line:def __init__(self, gl_dbName, gl_dbUser, gl_dbPassword, gl_dbHost, gl_dbPort, gl_logFile='greenLight.log'):
and this line:fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(gl_logFile, maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=5)
Is this not done if I do this:
systemctl stop
and thissystemctl start scheduLight
it is commandProcessor not commandsProcessor ;-) what does it say?
the relevant logdata should be in schedulight logfile.
you have to execute: this will read the config from your config.yml into the db and process it. This is necessary, to prevent having the config file read the whole time so you can editwithout interruption. You only have to execute this if you change something in the file.
Hello @mtsonline ,
if it is commandProcessor and not commandsProcessor, it would be cool if you can update your README file see:
systemctl -l status scheduLight-[api|commandsProcessor|...]
Thank you for the help. :)
oh, thank you for pointing this typo out. will change it. :-) sorry for that.
Hello @mtsonline,
you are welcome :-) Thank you for the project.
Restart service:
systemctl restart scheduLight-commandProcessor
this is what I needed.