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Support for pagination using rel attributes in h-feeds

Open MaybeThisIsRu opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

I tried to add my own microformats feed to Aperture and it stopped at 10 entries, which is also how many entries there are on the page. However, there are 3 more entries on a previous page the link to which is indicated by rel="prev".

As detailed on the IndieWeb wiki, Aperture should follow these pagination links.

I hope my markup is correct and if so, please consider this request. Cheers!

MaybeThisIsRu avatar Sep 01 '20 14:09 MaybeThisIsRu

Probably a good idea, but it's a bit challenging to implement well! How many pages would you expect it to go back? All of them? Back until a certain date? The reason I haven't bothered with grabbing anything beyond the first page when adding a new feed is because the majority of the time, people are interested in following new content from feeds and the old stuff doesn't matter much.

aaronpk avatar Sep 01 '20 14:09 aaronpk

That's fair. Maybe some day. :smile:

MaybeThisIsRu avatar Sep 02 '20 05:09 MaybeThisIsRu