Aaron Parker
Aaron Parker
So far I've not been able to reverse engineer how Brave talks to the update server to find the available version.
Unfortunately that feed returns HTML that would need to be scraped. Does the application have an in-built updater that talks to an API?
Probably need to update `Get-Zoom` or `Resolve-SystemNetWebRequest` to not `Throw` when it encounters an error and instead `Write-Warning` so that something is returned
I've included an update in commit 1a836f43caf3903da10bc0b4e09430ed6f461c77 that returns a custom URI if the source is unavailable. I also need to check the source to see whether it's been moved...
I think the approach to returning something rather than throwing might be a better approach overall. The function now uses `Write-Warning` instead of `Throw` and a link to the known...
The Zoom URLs have changed, I think with the introduction of 64-bit versions of their apps, so I'll need to find another way to determine the version numbers. Here's the...
Work around added, in `2107.408`, but will need to update again with new sources listed above.
Is there a location/REST API etc., that can be used to query for the latest version. These installers are behind a login
The challenge I have with Power BI is finding the URL/API etc. that it uses to find new versions of itself. So far I've not found it. With Evergreen we...
This is as close as I've found so far, but it's not suitable: [https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/B/A/9BAEFFEF-1A68-4102-8CDF-5D28BFFE6A61/PBIDesignerConfig.json](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/B/A/9BAEFFEF-1A68-4102-8CDF-5D28BFFE6A61/PBIDesignerConfig.json)