Cinematic icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Cinematic copied to clipboard

My shot at making a better IMDb App


Android App, which displays movie data, based on sorting criteria. It utilizes the The Movie DB API to query data using Retrofit as a REST-Client. The user can favorite movies, which are then stored with a Content-Provider backed by a SQLite Database.


As of April 17th 2016, the app is available on the Play Store for download


In-App Experience


This project is part of Udacity's and Google's Associate Android Developer Fast-Track Program The purpose is to design this app from the ground up, bringing it from an idea to a functional state. However it's not close to a production ready state yet.

External Libraries

  • Retrofit2 as a REST-Client
  • GSON for converting the JSON-Response to Java Objects
  • Picasso for image loading
  • Butterknife for binding views


This project utilizes the MIT License