Aaron Ng

Results 25 issues of Aaron Ng

We use django-storages and have quite a beefy webserver, but users occasionally need to upload large files which eats up a worker / thread for the whole upload (and in...

### Summary: In the docs it says > Also, as an alternative, you can run the two steps above (worker and beat services) with only one command (recommended for development...

The demo doesn't work, appears to just redirect to https://getqor.com/en

We can convert do something like this to get the first 10,000 results as a queryset. ``` search = s[0:10000].to_queryset() ``` We can also do something like this to iterate...

Carthage support would be great!

I seem to be getting this error from my django-q worker on multiple tasks intermittently. Eventually the process fails and restarts and doesn't happen again for a while. No clue...

Is there any way to prevent a Schedule from triggering before it's run? ``` timer = timezone.now() + timedelta(seconds=10) schedule( MY_TASK, arg_1, schedule_type=Schedule.ONCE, next_run=timer, repeats=-1, user_id=user.id, ) ``` In this...

I notice that deleting a Schedule before it triggers doesn't stop it from triggering. I'm guessing to prevent it from triggering I need to remove it from the broker as...

I'm about to deploy a django app. I was originally going to use `uvicorn` with Django 3.0, but after seeing `whitenoise` doesn't work with asgi servers yet was thinking of...

I seem to be getting `('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))` randomly. I can't replicate it. What's the correct way to handle this? I'm not totally sure what it...