Aaron Ng

Results 39 comments of Aaron Ng

Anyone have a good fix for this other than setting CONN_MAX_AGE to 0? It's causing a bunch of issues on our backend due to tasks failing mid-way.

Same issue here. Also not sure what's causing it.

I'll try this-- but what are you using to filter ORMQ and failure down?

Would be great to get this one merged.

@f1nality Should I do this by adding my own Field Widget with `id` as the name? Or are you referring to another setting?

Same thing, did you find a solution?

Some info– I'm running this macOS 11.4 and trying to get Mediapipe running through [their instructions](https://google.github.io/mediapipe/getting_started/ios.html): 1. I'm doing a `brew install bazel` 2. Then I'm checking out Tulsi and...

Okay, so I was actually able to solve this by: 1. Specifically installing Bazel 3.7.2 2. Checking out a version of Tulsi from around the time Bazel 3.7.2 was released....

Not really sure what to do here since I can't pass my own idempotentcy key to the method– so I've just changed the idempotency key in the database directly to...

Okay, looks like this happens when the user changes their email– because the `Customer.get_or_create()` method requires the **exact** same input. What's a good solution for this? We need to either...