Ok, so after a few months of having a look at this every once in awhile, I've decided to change directions. The main reason is because I'm not confident that...
@jspahrsummers I think I might change to a completely different approach that takes advantage of the new pattern matching in Python 3.10, so I'm probably starting a new project. However...
I think its only failing with the type checks. I'm not sure I broke something since the same errors appear to be part of existing issues. I'm not sure though.
I'll have a look at it in the coming days. I have no experience developing mypy plugins, so it might take a while.
Ok, this is more complicated than I thought. From what I can see Jupyter uses the dictionary to render the VDOM objects instead of the result from `.to_html()`. It does...
I know probably parsing html into VDOM objects would probably be the best here.
I'm interested in using Goppert's linearization code (`FGLinearization` & `FGStateSpace`) to generate linear systems from the JSBsim models. Based on this thread I think there are more people who are...
I've exposed the linearization function to python. My plan is to spend the next few days testing and checking it out. Are there any known issues with it by any...
@agodemar I might have a look at those at some point in the future, for now I'm focusing on the linearization part of it. From what I understand the issue...
Hey hey hey, I'm pround of the atrocities I've commited in that PR, but I wouldn't recomend it though. My use of the `sys.settrace` function is questionable at best, will...