org-protocol-handler copied to clipboard
Getting - "There was an error in the Python parsing script." an no capture template triggered
I followed the following steps to set this up - (1) downloaded the Application and installed it in /Applications (2) Created a ~/.orgprotocol.ini file that points to the right emacsclient (3) created a capture template and added server start lines in my emacs .ini file (4) Used the bookmarklet to bookmark a URL.
When running the bookmarklet i receive the following error - "There was an error in the Python parsing script.".
I checked to see if the module "six' existed and it does. How else can I debug this issue?
I'm sorry that you're experiencing this issue. I stopped using this setup full-time a while ago so I am not sure off the top of my head what the problem could be. This combination of bookmarklet, app with protocol binding, and Python script is notoriously difficult to troubleshoot.
You can right click the application and open the bundle. Within it you will find the python script itself. If you are even slightly versed in python you should be able to fiddle around with running it manually on the command line.
You should also be able to open the application itself in Script Editor, which is the only way to see the osascript code. In there you can try adding debugging statements... It's quite tricky to test the actual protocol handling so I usually add code in the script to send specific strings to the subroutines.
It's been a long time since I worked on this project so my memory may be fuzzy, but those are some general steps to take.
Thanks for the tips @aaronbieber . I ended up using an Apple Script that does something similar but without the Python dependency. The Script is here on Github - You can perhaps link to this version.
Either ways, let me know and I can close the issue.
I've also had the occasional parser failure error. The solution I've come up with is to replace the on error
section of the Applescript with this:
on error errText
display alert "Error" message "There was an error in the Python parsing script: " & errText
end try
This will add the python stack trace to the alert. It's really ugly but helps to quickly identify the problem.