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Problems related to computer security. Algorithms written in Python. Learn more:
Computer Security Algorithms
Problems related to computer security. Algorithms written in Python. Follow the Tutorial
Main topics (Tags)
RSA: RSA stands for Rivest-Shamir-Adleman. Is a widely used public-key cryptosystem "based on the practical difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime numbers" (RSA cryptosystem)
Hashing: A hash function maps data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size. An ideal hash function maps randomly, avoid colissions and is impossible to invert.
PGP: PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy. Is a program used to facilitate encrypt and decrypt your mail. PGP "has proven itself quite capable of resisting even the most sophisticated forms of analysis" (PGP faqs)
Solved Problems
Hello PGP Use PGP programatically. Recover the message encrypted with a single English word.
Hello Bitcoin Do you know how bitcoin addresses are constructed?
Hello OpenSSL Can you read and use an OpenSSL RSA key?
AES-CTR with Nonce Reuse Can you exploit a reused nonce?
Affine Cipher Can you brute force this classical cipher?
Double Strength Affine A slight security upgrade, is it enought?
Ps and Qs RSA keys generated with one critical weakness
Insufficient Key Size Are you running on all 8 cores? This small key is factorable on a PC with an efficient implementation
Elliptic Curve Private Key Recovery Given the public parameters of an elliptic curve, recover the poorly chosen private key
Håstad's Broadcast Attack RSA with a small exponent is fast to compute but it has a serious weakness
Monoalphabetic Cipher Monoalphabetic ciphers leak information. Can you recover it?
Playfair This bigram cipher is a bit trickier...
Factoring RSA With CRT Optimization Recover a RSA private key when an optimization goes wrong
Rainbow Table Hash Chain Can you use a rainbow table to recover a password?
ECDSA Nonce Recovery Nonce reuse leading to private key recovery, this time with elliptic curves
Intro to Hashing Hashing is a vital concept in cryptography
Intro to PGP Can you use PGP programatically?
Intro to RSA Learn the basics of a common public key cryptosystem
CBC Padding Attack CBC is one of the best modes of operation for block ciphers, but even leaking a tiny amount of information is enough to completely undermine its security
CCA on Textbook RSA Turns out padding is important
Fast Hashing Passwords Cryptographic hash functions shouldn't be used to hash passwords directly
Salt Alone Won't Save You Salting password hashes is important, but not enough on it's own
Cut and Paste Attack On AES-ECB Create a valid ciphertext without knowledge of the key using some copypaste
Insecure PRNG Using a PRNG that isn't proven to be cryptographically secure is a recipe for disaster
Bad Entropy It's easy to generate bad symmetric keys
Caesar Should probably stick to the salad
Unsolved Problems
Bleichenbacher's CCA2 on RSA 14
CRIMEs against TLS 20
CBC Padding Attack 22
Breaking PDF Passwords 29
Backdoored PRNG 31
Vigenère 33
Rail Fence 34
Vigenère + Rail Fence 35
Not So Safe Primes 37