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Show Me A Graph - Command Line Graphing

smag - show me a graph!

Easily create graphs from cli commands and view them in the terminal. Like the watch command but with a graph of the output.

Other tools

I also work on Robusta - a Kubernetes troubleshooting and automation platform. If you use Kubernetes, you'll like it.


Table of Contents

  • Install :cd:
  • Usage

Install :cd:

Install from source

git clone
cargo install --path .

Install from binaries

Binaries for Mac, Windows, and Linux are available under Releases.


Just run smag [shell_cmd] or smag [cmd1] [cmd2] if you want to graph multiple commands at once. You can control how often the graph updates with the -n flag. You can also graph a derivative of the command's output using -d.

smag can graph any command which outputs an integer or float. Any whitespace before/after the number is trimmed automatically.

Pull requests for more features or fixes are welcome.


  • Graph number of processes: smag "ps aux | wc -l"
  • Graph number of bash processes and ssh processes as two separate lines: smag "ps aux | grep ssh | wc -l" "ps aux | grep bash | wc -l"
  • Graph number of running Kubernetes pods: smag "kubectl get pods -A | grep Running | wc -l"

Full Usage

$ smag --help                                                                                                           ✔  2355  17:59:43
smag 0.5.0
Show Me A Graph - Like the `watch` command but with a graph of previous values.

    smag [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <cmds>...

    -d, --diff       Graph the diff of subsequent command outputs
        --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -h, --history <buffer-size>          Specify number of points to 'remember' and graph at once for each commands
                                         [default: 100]
    -n, --interval <polling-interval>    Specify update interval in seconds. [default: 1.0]

    <cmds>...    Command(s) to run


smag was inspired and based on code from the wonderful gping tool by Tom Forbes