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Should all resources be in English?

Open xuanruiqi opened this issue 7 years ago • 9 comments

xuanruiqi avatar May 17 '17 18:05 xuanruiqi

Maybe we should make a little "Other Languages" category?

tilda avatar May 18 '17 02:05 tilda

@xshotD That's what I thought?

xuanruiqi avatar May 18 '17 02:05 xuanruiqi

Hello @xuanruiqi,

This is a good idea, how about we make another document with the language code and refer to it from the main README? Something like: Japanese, Russian ... etc.

What kind of resources do you want to contribute? If it's source code, then I'd say it should go into the main document which is in English, if it's education materials then let's discuss the other languages lists.

EDIT: Added a second paragraph.

aalhour avatar May 20 '17 11:05 aalhour

@aalhour This sounds like a good idea to me! My idea is to have some books, tutorials, etc in other languages

xuanruiqi avatar May 21 '17 14:05 xuanruiqi

Alright then, let's create a new directory called other_languages and then create a list for every language in the format for English, for German, and so on and so forth.

The title of the lists should be as follows:

# Awesome Compilers (German)
# Awesome Compilers (Japanese)
# Awesome Compilers (Spanish)

Can you submit a PR with the above changes in addition to your own list?

P.S. please make sure you keep the general format of the main list, as in having a Contents section as the first section of the document and the rest of the sections as needed.


aalhour avatar May 22 '17 15:05 aalhour

Hello @xuanruiqi, any updates on this?

aalhour avatar May 31 '17 20:05 aalhour

@aalhour I've been busy working on, well, programming languages stuff, recently. However I have more time now and will begin working on this ASAP.

xuanruiqi avatar Jul 07 '17 21:07 xuanruiqi

@xuanruiqi, good to hear back from you, can't wait to have your PR.

aalhour avatar Jul 11 '17 15:07 aalhour

Hello @xuanruiqi, any updated on this?

aalhour avatar Nov 19 '17 16:11 aalhour