* Redeployed spot subgraph to alchemy * Added tvl tracking for spot and the rollover vault
Simple on-chain vault which trades SPOT USD.
Updated deposit tranche cap to be set based on the ratio of the deposit tranche value vs the remaining tranches
1) Balancer: New module to orchestrate all external interactions with perp/vault systems and holds all the fee logic. (The current fee policy evolves into the balancer). Balancer allows for operations...
Added USD,Perp single sided deposit when pool is unbalanced
Added a new SPOT pricing strategy for the charm manager. The bill broker uses the spot appraiser which has stricter rules around DR and tranche CDRs. However, the AMM pool...
* BillBroker uses a new beta volatility measure to adjust the price of perps. * Updated spot appraiser; crated a unified pricer/oracle used by all vaults and implements pricing logic.
Swing trading vault, trades between AMPL SPOT