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A Disposable Mailbox Powered by Pure-Python
A Disposable Mailbox Powered by Pure-Python 
is a pure-pythonic way of managing disposable mailbox that allows users to create several disposable email addresses and receive emails on those. It can be directly used from the command line or imported as a python module for advanced usage. pydispo
is platform-independent and uses python standard libraries, so if you have python installed you don't need to satisfy any additional dependencies.
Optionally, pydispo
can fetch attached files and there's also a provision to save emails as HTML. By default, the emails are shown as text, optionally any standard web browser can be used to view the emails. Currently, it uses 1secmail API to receive emails, and soon it would support additional APIs. If you want a bash-like implementation with some dependencies, please check the tmpmail script.
Download the pydispo
standalone script and make it executable
$ curl -L "" > pydispo && chmod +x pydispo
is also available as a python package from
Download and install it as a system or environment package with pip. It can be then used in a CLI mode or as a python module
$ pip install pydispo
Alternatively, the latest pydispo
package source tarball can be downloaded from here (18.9 kB).
Usage: pydispo [-h] [-a] [-r] [-g] [-s] [-b BROWSER] [-e EMAIL] [id]
id Check email with message ID (default shows mailbox)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --attached Download all attached files in the email
-r, --recent Check the recent email
-g, --generate Generate a new email address
-s, --save Save email in an HTML file
-b, --browser Browser to check the email in HTML
-e, --email Check mailbox of a particular email
Generate a disposable email address
$ pydispo -g
Generated: [email protected]
Check the mailbox
$ pydispo
Mailbox: [email protected] Mails in Inbox: 1
Message ID Sender Subject Date
84784986 [email protected] About pydispo 2020-09-16 17:34:13
Check a particular email
$ pydispo 84784986
ID: 84784986
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: 2020-09-16 17:34:13
Subject: About pydispo
Attachments: ['pydispo_leaflet.pdf (application/pdf) 0.2 MB ']
Check this out
Check the recent email
$ pydispo -r
Check a particular email, get attached files, and save email as HTML
$ pydispo -a -s 84784986
Check a particular email in a browser of choice
$ pydispo 84784986 -b elinks
Check mailbox of another disposable email
$ pydispo -e [email protected]
Using as a python module
$ python
>>> from pydispo import *
>>> email_addr = generate_email_address(size=10,storeInFile='email_address',mode='w')
Generated: [email protected]
>>> check_mailbox(email_addr,showInbox=True,showRecent=False)
Mailbox: [email protected] Mails in Inbox: 1
Message ID Sender Subject Date
84784986 [email protected] About pydispo 2020-09-16 17:34:13
Problems? Please raise an issue at
Why disposable emails?
To avoid SPAM. To protect your PRIVACY. Lots of web pages, blogs, forums and services would ask you to register or provide email addresses to read comments, download content, or register account or profile. And a lot of them will use your private email address to send you spam. Disposable emails are perfect for any transaction where you want to improve your online privacy, like when you trade cryptocurrencies. These are also used by developers and testers for several time-saving reasons. Read More : How-To Geek , WIRED
is a dependency-free, platform-independent replication of Siddharth's tmpmail bash-script and follows a usage pattern similar to it.
This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License Version 3 .