jsmediatags copied to clipboard
No Suitable File Reader Found
Hello. Sorry to bug you. I'm trying to get tags from a file I'm loading from Google Drive in Javasript.
here's a sample
function whenGetSong(songID){
return gapi.client.drive.files.get({
fileId: songID,
alt: 'media'
function getSongTags(googleID){
jsmediatags.read(res.body, {
onSuccess: function(tag) {
console.log('tag', tag);
onError: function(error) {
console.log('error', error);
but I get 'No Suitable File Reader Found'.
Any ideas?
Hey @nicstronell, did you ever find a solution to your problem? I'm encountering the exact same error. When I test the URL with the XhrFileReader regex test it passes.
did not find a solution. switched to musicmetadata.js
@nicstronell Thanks for the recommendation! Got it working with musicmetadata.js
, in the browser even, within 10 minutes.
What does this error actually mean. I'm going round and round in circles here and I've tried every tag reader I can find and getting nowhere...(it's very very late)
I just want to read the tag of a local file, I don't need to input it, just read it from the browser and the file is in the same directory...
var jsmediatags = window.jsmediatags;
var tags = {};
jsmediatags.read('test1.mp3', {
onSuccess: function(tag) {
tags = tag;
onError: function(error) {
// handle error
I have the link to the minimised script in my html
Just to let you know, that by using the precursor to this package - JavaScript-ID3-Reader I am able to read an mp3 file directly from a pure JavaScript file - So it can be done :) The mp3 file is in the same directory as my html/css/javascript on the server. (Actually there is a soft symlink to where they are...) And just for anyone struggling like I did here is the ID3 code to get the album art
var trak = 'test.mp3'
ID3.loadTags(trak, function() {
var tags = ID3.getAllTags(trak)
base64String = ""
for (var i = 0; i < tags.picture.data.length; i++) {
base64String += String.fromCharCode(tags.picture.data[i]);
var dataUrl = "data:" + tags.picture.format + ";base64," + window.btoa(base64String);
$('#albumCover').attr('src', dataUrl) //an img element
//console.log(tags.track + ' ' + tags.picture.data)
tags: ["track", "picture"],
onError: function(reason) {
console.log('GM Get image: ' + reason)