Adrian A.

Results 122 issues of Adrian A.

Please add icons for various usual chart types: pie, line, area, logarithm, column, bar, histogram, radar, bubble, scatter, etc. Thanks in advance.

Icon Suggestion
Windows Phone

Please add `bbin --outdated` option to see which of the installed scripts are outdated. _(e.g. a similar behavior to `npm outdated -g` would be cool . The `brew outdated` way...

The example does not seems to work on Windows systems. `lein demo` will break, because `scripts/`. Thank you.


Please add a better and more realistic example using SQL (e.g. with a H2 Database) (for input and output too). Thank you.

Hi, Please add improved PostgreSQL support too: Thank you.

Please make the 'versions' table name configurable, in order to avoid colissions with some other applications, or corporate policies.

Please run integration tests too, e.g. with embedded-postresql et co (like it's done with Gitbucket) IMO this is the project that should have integration tests and dependencies to those embedded...

Update to Gradle for easier managebility.

Hi, Is there any matrix/overview with the implementations of VerbalExpressions for various methods? It looks that there are allot of inconsistencies among language implementations :( . Thank you.

Please add a simple "time to live" functionality, e.g. using Java Timer would be more than enough. Thank you.