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User Registration and login-logout using Spring Boot and embedded H2-database


Still in development. User Registration using Spring Boot, Data JPA, in-memory H2 db . Application Requires/Java Dependencies: Java JDK 1.8 Maven Spring Boot Spring Web Spring Data JPA H2 database(embedded)

Front end UI: Html,CSS

Build + Run: $ mvn install $ mvn clean spring-boot:run

Run the -war / -jar from target:

$ java -jar target/name-of-SNAPSHOT.jar Make sure to use java 1.8

java -version $ export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8)"

Steps for running different modules: 1)/signup localhost:8080/ Select signup link. Add details for signup. User details are saved in embeded H2 database localhost:8080/h2-console User is directed to successful signup page. 2)/login localhost:8080/ Select login link. Add email and password. User is redirected to dummy page after successful login. Note- Embedded database is used so every time project is relaunched signup must be done before login or Else, sample data is stored in resources/data.sql file