This would solve the libicu issues that have been reported in a couple of places : https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-odbc/issues/384 https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-odbc/issues/358
java -jar target/wikiforia-1.2.1.jar --pages ../frwiki-20150602-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2 -lang fr -o xml interrupt after a couple of minutes since the issue is in the first pages Example : Amsterdam, id = 245 Le...
Several cases are mishandled in frwiki, not all fortunately. Only when apostrophes are mixed with markup symbols. 1. L{{'}}'''Andalousie''' becomes LAndalousie LAndalousie (Andalucía en espagnol, du bas latin ”Vandalucia” in...
This view would be a good addition to the `altinity_sink_connector` schema : ``` CREATE VIEW altinity_sink_connector.show_replica_status AS SELECT now() - fromUnixTimestamp(JSONExtractUInt(offset_val, 'ts_sec')) AS seconds_behind_source, toDateTime(fromUnixTimestamp(JSONExtractUInt(offset_val, 'ts_sec')), 'UTC') AS utc_time, fromUnixTimestamp(JSONExtractUInt(offset_val,...
last log before it stops : ``` 154629410 2023-11-16 22:27:30.332 [pool-15502-thread-5] INFO com.altinity.clickhouse.sink.connector.db.DbWriter - *************** EXECUTED BATCH Successfully Records: 12************** task(0) Thread ID: pool-15502-thread-5 Nov 16, 2023 10:29:15 PM com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.BinaryLogClient$5...
We do support gh-ost for MySQL, let us add it to the automated tests.
from the container ``` root@f59d10eac663:/# ./sink-connector-client change_replication_source --binlog_file binary.060411 --binlog_position 1071147556 ``` does not update the binary log position.
if you use `clickhouse-loader.py` to initialize the clickhouse database at a given binary log / GTID position, then you should start the sink-connector with those variables : ``` snapshot.mode: "schema_only"...
``` debezium-embedded_1 | at com.altinity.clickhouse.debezium.embedded.ClickHouseDebeziumEmbeddedApplication.start(ClickHouseDebeziumEmbeddedApplication.java:204) debezium-embedded_1 | at com.altinity.clickhouse.debezium.embedded.ClickHouseDebeziumEmbeddedApplication.main(ClickHouseDebeziumEmbeddedApplication.java:174) debezium-embedded_1 | Caused by: com.mysql.cj.exceptions.InvalidConnectionAttributeException: The server time zone value 'CDT' is unrecognized or represents more than one time zone. You...
We should be able to specify the engine (MergeTree) instead of RMT. That's a separate issue see https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-sink-connector/issues/323. It should require a java implement (or use the default engine in...