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Code for "Convolutional spiking neural networks (SNN) for spatio-temporal feature extraction" paper

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Hello author, it seems that there is no hybrid training method proposed in the paper (STS-ResNet on the CIFAR10-DVS dataset) in the code implementation. Is this the final version of...

Running the code in folder Tests_1-3_and_5. It seens that all the code had the same error below. ``` 8192it [00:02, 3912.96it/s] 9920512it [00:19, 1117448.86it/s] Epoch [1/10], Step [100/600], Loss: nan...

Thanks for sharing the code of this paper. I am still wondering if the current code is the latest for the paper? As I find that some people find some...

In you paper, the seq5 example in Figure 4 is rotated with a random degree between 0 and 360 degrees. but it can't be distinguished between clockwise or counterclockwise. Because...


Got an error in **Training & Testing** ``` (conv_snn) test@test-dual1060:~/Desktop/project/conv_snn/CIFAR10-DVS$ python3 device cuda 0%| | 0/1750 [00:00

The first convolution at here: is on input spikes. Figure 3 in the paper shows that it should be on the synapse output:


Hi, We are trying to make some further developments based on your methods. Is it possible to share the training parameters to achieve the high accuracy or even the trained...


I am trying to understand how c1_spike and c1_mem affect the output. Between and It seems that they do get updated by the input but do not affect...


Hello author, it looks like the latest code hasn't been uploaded yet. If possible, could you upload it? This will be very helpfu to me. Thanks!

@meltingCat from torch.optim import lr_scheduler _Originally posted by @wangxiao5791509 in after importing am getting the following error 'module' object is not callable