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Gush is a dungeon brawler game built with Kaboom.js on for a contest.
Gush is a dungeon brawler game built with Kaboom.js on for a contest.
You can play it on Replit, or fork the code and make your own version.
- Seven playable characters with unique weapons
- More than a dozen enemy types
- More than a dozen levels, large and small
- Scripted challenges within levels
- A scripted boss level
- Collectible coins, used to unlock characters
- Flasks that restore health, give shields or DEADLY BURPS
- Chests may have coins, flasks, nothing, or something else...
How to play
Use a gamepad controller for the best experience.
Or, use keyboard & mouse, or keyboard alone.
Some characters can shoot: aim with right analog stick or mouse.
- Gamepad: Left analog stick to move, bottom button to attack, right side button to burp.
- Keyboard & mouse: WASD (or arrows) to move, SPACE to attack (or left click), B to burp (or right click).
Tools used
- Kaboom.js v0.6.0
- Stitches (spritesheet generator)
- Aseprite
- EZGif Sprite Cutter
- FFMpeg
- And of course, Google & Stack Overflow
- Dungeon Tileset 2
- Blood FX
- Assets Free Laser Bullets Pack 2020
- Pixel Art Effect - FX084 (+15 Effects)
- Pixel Effects Pack
- Pixel UI Pack
- Will's Pixel Explosions
- Free Pixel Effects Pack #12 - Mini Magick Shoots 3
- Free Pixel Effects Pack #13 - Fireballs
Sound & Music
- Shapeforms Audio Free Sounds
- Hypercasual Music Pack 1
- Hypercasual Music Pack 4
- Action RPG Music Free
- Sound Effect Starter Pack
Feature Tracker
Essential features
- [x] Red flask restores hp of course
- [x] HP is always in increments of 1, each 1 represents half a heart
- [x] Blue flask gives a shield on top of HP
- [x] Green flask gives charges of Power Belch, burp kills enemies around player, small one charge, large 3 charges
- [x] Chests can contain flasks or coins
- [x] Show coin count on UI
- [x] Multiple characters with different health & weapons
- [x] Coins can be collected through multiple game runs to unlock more characters
- [x] Current level can be reset when player dies.
- [x] Different levels
- [x] Use more tiles: banners, fountains, slime, traps
- [x] Load next level at ladder down
- [x] Different level rotations for each character
- [x] Triggered events & boss fights
- [x] Walking over trigger sets off scripted events for the map
- [x] Rooms can be closed off with crates blocking exit until event finishes
- [x] Music changes for certain events
- [x] Music for each level (simple music manager w/ crossfade)
- [x] Select/unlock character screen
- [x] Game over/reset level screen (YOU DIED)
- [x] All characters added with different weapons
- [x] Full map rotation for each character
- [x] 2 full maps (designed for each char)
- [x] sniper gallery with crevasses for shootie pie
- [x] narrow hallways and big open areas to dash around for Pokey
- [x] mix of the above two for lizzy's cleaverang
- [x] huge waves of monsters to smash with crushy hammer
- [x] big concentrated waves to explode with fireballs (floating platforms with lots of projectile enemies?)
- [ ] lines of enemies for lazer wizard, narrow passages, maybe chase areas that close behind and let you run ahead of chasing enemies
- [x] 2 random treasure rooms between them (3-5 small rooms like this are good, some with a mimic, some with flasks, interesting layouts)
- [x] 1 boss fight (probably same one for every char - big demon, waves of enemies, bullet hell, need 3 big burps to win, announce to tell player what to do)
- [x] golden flask treasure room for end game (with some announce flavor text, congrats etc)
- [x] 2 full maps (designed for each char)
Character classes:
- [x] Swordy Boi - starting char, all other are unlocks. decent sword, decent hp
- [x] Shootie Pie - decent bow, decent hp
- [x] Pokey Elf - killer spear, dash attack in one direction, mediocre hp
- [x] Smashy Dino - slow, powerful attack with big hammer, great hp
- [x] Lizzy Butch - throws meat cleavers, slow & powerful
- [x] Burny Mage - cast fireballs, heavy dmg, low hp
- [x] LAZER WIZARD - laser attack fires through enemies, good dmg, low hp
Monster AI
- [x] Basic monster movement AI
- [x] Necromancers raise armies of 1 hit skeletons
- [x] Orc Shaman can heal their friends
- [x] Mimics lie in wait, then bump you back and chase you
- [x] Demons cast fireballs at you
Nice to have
- [x] Scooty Poke leaps backwards if he ends overlapping an enemy
- [x] save health/shields/burps between levels (except on boss - empty burps)
- [x] Meat Cleaverang for Lizzy
- [x] Force 1.5 aspect ratio no matter screens size
- [x] Better monster spawn/despawn (save position to objConfigs, improve framerate maybe)
- [x] Controller support
- [x] Minimap
- [x] Interim treasure levels
- [x] Add announce names to levels, some triggers
- [x] Main menu screen
- [x] Logo intro animation
- [ ] sound/music adjust
- [ ] control remapping (maybe not worth it)
- [ ] Win screen & credits
- [ ] Show stats: gold collected, flasks collected, monsters killed, damage taken/healed etc.
- [x] Simple tutorial messages on game start (only show once, turn off in localStorage)
- [x] Store player's last attack dir so attacking while stationary feels right
- [ ] More sound effects
- [x] player footsteps
- [x] more sword swings
- [ ] monster noises on attack engaged
- [ ] specific monster type noises when hit
- [ ] arrows bounce off walls
- [x] heartbeat when health is low
- [x] Some enemies drop a skull as a visual effect (non-interactive).
- [ ] Pause menu with options
- [x] hp bars on damaged enemies
- [ ] restart from last "checkpoint"? (last trigger point - hard to implement)
- [x] mouse aiming and click to fire