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Fast, Easy and Dynamic translation for AngularJS
Fast, Easy and Dynamic translation for AngularJS. v0.0.3
##Table of contents:
- Get Started
- Example
- Development
- setBaseUrl
- langsFiles
- langsValues
- addLangFile
- setFilesSuffix
- fallbackLanguage
- configuration
- get
- getAll
- getUsed
- init
- use
- ngTranslationFilter
- ngTranslationDirective
##Get Started (1) You can install ng-translation using 3 different ways:
- clone & build this repository
Bower: by running
$ bower install ng-translation
from your terminal - via npm: by running
$ npm install ng-translation
from your terminal
(2) Include ng-translation.js
(or ng-translation.min.js
) in your index.html
, after including Angular itself.
(3) Add 'ng-translation'
to your main module's list of dependencies.
When you're done, your setup should look similar to the following:
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="bower_components/js/ng-translation.min.js"></script>
angular.module('myApp', ['ng-translation'])
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
Quick example:
* Directory structure
* __ __ __ __ __ __
* | - dist |
* | - assets |
* | - static |
* |__ __ __ __ __ __|
//AngularJS app
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.config(['ngTranslationProvider', function(ngTranslationProvider) {
en: 'en',
de: 'de',
es: 'es'
.run(['ngTranslation', '$location'], function(ngTranslation, $location) {
JSON: (one file for example)
"title": "Wählen Sie eine Vorlage, um zu beginnen.",
"description": {
"text": "Hunderte vollständig anpassbarer HTML5-Templates in jeder Kategorie verfügbar."
"button": "Anmelden",
"message": "Hallo {{}}, Uw wachtwoord is: {{user.password}}"
<!-- simple usage example -->
<h3>{{ 'title' | translate }}</h3>
<h4>{{ 'description.text' | translate }}</h4>
<p>{{ 'button' | translate }}</p>
<!-- directive example -->
<p ng-translate="'message'"></p>
<p ng-translate="es('message')"></p>
<!-- bind to model example -->
<table style="border:1px solid red">
<td>User Details:</td>
<td>{{ 'message' | translate: this }}</td>
Change user details:
<td>name: <input ng-model="" type="text"/> </td>
<td>password: <input ng-model="user.password" type="text"/> </td>
To learn more, Read the documentation...
##Configuration ngTranlation configuration options, see below:
Set base url for static/languages files directory.
Aliases: setDirectory
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.config(['ngTranslationProvider', function(ngTranslationProvider) {
###langsFiles Set languages files as a key value pairs.
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.config(['ngTranslationProvider', function(ngTranslationProvider) {
en: 'en.json',
de: 'de.json',
es: 'es.json'
###langsValues Set array of values as a languages files.
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
en: { foo: 'Hello' },
de: { foo: 'Hallo' }
.config(['ngTranslationProvider', function(ngTranslationProvider) {
###addLangFile Add a single language file.
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.config(['ngTranslationProvider', function(ngTranslationProvider) {
en: 'filename.json'
###setFilesSuffix Set global suffix to all files.
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.config(['ngTranslationProvider', function(ngTranslationProvider) {
en: 'en', // <== en-static.json
de: 'de',
es: 'es'
###fallbackLanguage Set fallback language.
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.config(['ngTranslationProvider', function(ngTranslationProvider) {
##API The returns API, see below:
###configuration The expose configuration
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.controller('MainCtrl', function(ngTranslation) {
//{ baseUrl: "/ng-translation/demo/languages", suffix: ".json", langsFiles: Obje... }
Get specific file by name.
Usage: ngTranslation.get({String})
Returns: file {Object}
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.controller('MainCtrl', function(ngTranslation) {
$scope.getByName = function(name) {
return ngTranslation.get(name);
//{title: "Select a Template", message: "Hello {{ }
Get all files(the staticFilesContainer)
Usage: ngTranslation.getAll()
Returns: files {Object}
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.controller('MainCtrl', function(ngTranslation) {
$scope.getAll = function() {
return ngTranslation.getAll();
//{ en: Object, de: Object, es: Obje... }
Get the current used file || fallback file
Usage: ngTranslation.getUsed()
Returns: file {Object}
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.controller('MainCtrl', function(ngTranslation) {
$scope.getUsed = function() {
return ngTranslation.getUsed();
//{title: "Select a Template", message: "Hello {{ }
Use specific language.(prefered language)
Usage: ngTranslation.use({String})
Returns: {Boolean}
angular.module('app', ['ng-translation'])
.run(function($location, ngTranslation) {
$ //e.g: "de", "en"
There's a 4 ways to use the translate
- simple - pass a key, and get the value from the usedFile(prefered language,
<p>{{ 'message' | translate }}</p>
<p>{{ 'message.nested' | translate }}</p>
<!-- note: 'key' is a property on the scope -->
<p>{{ key | translate }}</p>
- from specific file - pass a key, and fileName(language), and get the value from
<p>{{ 'message' | translate: 'en' }}<p>
<p>{{ 'message.nested' | translate: 'de' }}<p>
<!-- note: 'key' and `lang` are a properties on the scope -->
<p>{{ key | translate: lang }}<p>
- interpolate - there's a situation, that you want to store an angular expression as a value.
e.g:'this is string that {{ foo }}, {{ bar.baz }} need to interpolate.'
Usage:{{ key | translate: object }}
$scope.user = { name: 'Ariel M.' }
$ = 'value';
<!-- note: user is a property on the scope, so if the real value on the file is:
`hello {{ name }}, wanna login?`
the result will be: `hello Ariel M., wanna login ?` -->
<p>{{ 'user.message' | translate: user }}</p>
<!-- note: if you want to use directly properties on $scope, use the `this` keyword,
(every $scope, have the own `this` property that point to him self) -->
<p>{{ 'message' | translate: this }}</p>
- interpolate from other file - if you want the same interpolation behavior, but get the value
from specific file.
Usage:{{ key | translate: lang: object }}
<p>{{ 'user.message' | translate: 'de': user }}</p>
<!-- note: 'key' and `lang` are a properties on the scope -->
<p>{{ key | translate: lang: this }}</p>
There's a 2 ways to use the ngTranslate
- get the value from the usedFile(prefered language,
<p ng-translate="'message'"></p>
<!-- note: 'key' is a property on the scope -->
<p ng-translate="key"></p>
- get the value from specific file(specific language).
<!-- note: `en` interpolate as a string -->
<p ng-translate="en('message')"></p>
<!-- note: 'key' is a property on the scope -->
<p ng-translate="de(key)"></p>