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Face detection not working when image path is given from react native camera kit
When I use Image taken from React native camera kit package, even when the face is clear and have proper pixel, the face result is incorrect and it happens on ios device only.
Face detection is working properly when image is picked from device.
Here is my code for face detection.
const { uri } = await cameraRef.current.capture()
const result = await FaceDetection.detect(imagePath, { classificationMode: 'all', })
here is example image path generated by react native camera kit Image size is 1179 × 1179 pixels
here is detail of my project
"react-native": "0.72.1" "@react-native-ml-kit/face-detection": "^1.1.2" "react-native-camera-kit": "^13.0.0"
I use Image taken from React native camera kit package, I have the Same issue on iOS Device only @KaungHtetHein116 have find any Solution ?
my Image File URI is below : - file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/88D2BA48-CA30-49EE-86F6-C3014AE0C89D/tmp/B48F5191-B4BE-497B-ACEA-F2CC8F493792-3951-000001EA7FA7E978.jpg
and Face Detection Result is [ ]
here is detail of my project
"react-native": "0.72.3" "@react-native-ml-kit/face-detection": "^1.1.2" "react-native-camera-kit": "^13.0.0"
not found the solution yet @mastersandeep92
Hi everyone, thanks for reporting this issue! I'll check it and get back to you 🙏🏼
Face detection is working properly when image is picked from device.
Could you give an example of a file path that worked?
import Picker, { ImageOrVideo } from 'react-native-image-crop-picker'
import FaceDetection from '@react-native-ml-kit/face-detection'
const handleSelectedImage = (image: ImageOrVideo) => {
if (!hasFace(image?.path)) {
const hasFace = async (imagePath: string): Promise<boolean> => {
const result = await FaceDetection.detect(imagePath, {
classificationMode: 'all',
return result?.length > 0
here is the code that worked using image from device @OGreeni