xcresultparser copied to clipboard
Xcode 16 beta 3 tests fail as xcresulttool get object is deprecated
Hi. The issue the same as here https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/22132
These commands are okay
~ xcodebuild -version
Xcode 15.4
Build version 15F31d
~ ./scripts/xcresultparser -o cli /fastlane/test_output/Test-MyApp-2024.07.09_14-57-50-339029-+0700.xcresult
These commands are not okay
~ xcodebuild -version
Xcode 16.0
Build version 16A5202i
~ ./scripts/xcresultparser -o cli /fastlane/test_output/Test-MyApp-2024.07.09_14-57-50-339029-+0700.xcresult
Error: This command is deprecated and will be removed in a future release, --legacy flag is required to use it.
Usage: xcresulttool get object [--legacy] --path <path> [--id <id>] [--version <version>] [--format <format>]
See 'xcresulttool get object --help' for more information.
Error: argumentError
Thanks for awesome tool, we use it every day on our CI pipelines.