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Enhancement: Zigbee Buttons - Double Tap
Hi @a4refillpad , Thanks so much for creating such robust device handlers for the Xiaomi products. I am loving it and have found them to be extremely reliable.
I use and love the buttons capability to control so much via single / hold options, plus even more utilising CoRe to add the time dimension.
I had a feature enhancement request: double tap for the Zigbee Buttons.
I've never written Groovy - I have had a thought as to logically how it could be added (no clue if what I wrote would even compile), but it seems the code could support a "double tap" type feature. I am not sure how to update the rest of the code to enable it be used across CoRe etc.
attribute "previousPress" "string" //I am unsure if this is possible / how to get it (given I can see this in SmartThings history, I am assuming this could be obtained through some mechanism)
private createButtonEvent(button) {
def currentTime = now()
def startOfPress = device.latestState('lastPress').date.getTime()
def timeDif = currentTime - startOfPress
def holdTimeMillisec = (settings.holdTime?:3).toInteger() * 1000
// my additional various
def previousPress = device.latestState('previousPress').date.getTime()
def timeDifPreviousPress = currentTime - previousPress
if (timeDif < 0)
return [] //likely a message sequence issue. Drop this press and wait for another. Probably won't happen...
//my simple logic to check if the last two presses occurred in the hold time
else if (timeDif <holdTimeMillisec & timeDifPreviousPress < holdTimeMillisec)
return createEvent(name: "button", value: "double tap", data: [buttonNumber: button], descriptionText: "$device.displayName button $button was double tapped", isStateChange: true)
else if (timeDif < holdTimeMillisec)
if (
return createEvent(name: "button", value: "pushed", data: [buttonNumber: button], descriptionText: "$device.displayName button $button was pushed", isStateChange: true)
return createEvent(name: "button", value: "held", data: [buttonNumber: button], descriptionText: "$device.displayName button $button was held", isStateChange: true)
I would test it myself, but I have no idea how to get the Previous Press time.