Results 60 comments of adn

@julianorafael I ran your project and the player disappears here. So this must be some OSX specific bug that I didn't account for. Have you tried adding `self.player =...

@Adilf I could 100% be mistaken here but why would the Player be collected if there's still a variable pointing to it? `self.player` would still be pointing to the player,...

@harrisi I have no idea and I don't have an OSX system to test this on. But from what I read what you can is just do one thing if...

@category Thank you! Hope it's useful.

@harrisi My version of hump.vector has a modification to it that adds the `angle` function, which looks like this: ```lua function vector:angle() return atan2(self.y, self.x) end ``` It turns out...

@Kinrany Thanks for pointing that out, I changed it according to what I meant.

No, code is too messy and it won't work on it's own without my game's code either.

@davidahines I used Licecap to record the gifs. Or do you mean something else?