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List of Post Ideas

Open davatron5000 opened this issue 11 years ago • 77 comments

Simple, bite-sized snippets of content to teach A11Y in smaller pieces instead of big chunks. We can check them off (using githubs new todo list feature) as we get them finished.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: == A table or chart here would be useful.


Basic introductions to various concepts. What is it? Why does it exist?

  • [x] ARIA introduction: roles :chart_with_upwards_trend:
  • [x] ARIA introduction: states :chart_with_upwards_trend:
  • [x] ARIA introduction: properties :chart_with_upwards_trend:
  • [x] Basic ARIA roles
  • [x] Basic ARIA states
  • [x] Basic ARIA properties
  • [x] Color blindness
  • [x] Color Contrast
  • [ ] What is WAI? The Web Accessibility Initiative
  • [x] Section 508
  • [x] WCAG 2 (38 reqs)


  • [x] Accessibility Checklist
  • [x] Resource Page

Quick Tips

Quick, tiny, easy improvements for maximum ROI

  • [x] Using alt text correctly
  • [x] Using title attributes correctly
  • [x] Never use maximum-scale=1.0
  • [x] Prefer button to div elements https://staging.w15y.com/shortcuts/prefer-button-to-div
  • [ ] Avoid -webkit-text-adjust-size: none; http://codepen.io/davatron5000/full/14/7

Quick Tests

  • [x] Navigate using your keyboard
  • [x] Test contrast on your phone
  • [x] Larger Touch Targets
  • [x] Accessible Typography (considerations: larger font-size, etc)


More in-depth, yet simple articles on HOW-TO use/create something.

  • [x] HOWTO: Use VoiceOver on iOS
  • [x] HOWTO: Use NVDA on Windows
  • [ ] HOWTO: Use JAWS on Windows
  • [x] HOWTO: Use VoiceOver on Mac
  • [ ] HOWTO: Make an accessible <nav> with dropdowns @jimbateson
  • [x] HOWTO: Hide content
  • [x] HOWTO: Write accessible FORMs
  • [x] HOWTO: Make accessible VIDEOs: <track> & HTML5 Video Controls
  • [ ] ?? HOWTO: Make accessible CANVAS & SVG ?? (2 posts?) @CBID2
  • [ ] HOWTO: Ajax with ARIA-LIVE
  • [ ] HOWTO: Make accessible dialogs and modals
  • [x] HOWTO: Test text at 200%
  • [x] HOWTO: Em-based Media Queries
  • [x] HOWTO: Accessible Animations (i.e, they're frustrating)
  • [x] HOWTO: Use Access Keys


  • [x] MYTHBUSTED: Accessibility is “blind people”
  • [x] MYTHBUSTED: Screen readers don't use Javascript
  • [ ] ?? MYTHBUSTED: Accessibility is just turning off CSS ?? @JSmurf

Assistive Technology (AT)

  • [x] NVDA: The OpenSource Screen Reader
  • [x] High Contrast Mode
  • [x] User Zoom
  • [x] Dyslexic Fonts


  • [ ] Video: How a non-sighted person uses a screen reader
  • [ ] Video: How a partially-sighted person uses High Contrast Mode
  • [ ] Video: How a mobility-limited person uses a website


  • [ ] Firefox & Accessibility (aka, Don’t neglect FF).
  • [x] ?? Myths: A11Y and SEO (myth confirmed?) ??
  • [ ] SPANS. pause. screen. readers. (aka, "Why Lettering.JS sucks")
  • [ ] ?? Cheapest way to get audio/video transcribed ??
  • [ ] ?? Making Bootstrap Accessible ??

davatron5000 avatar Jan 13 '13 21:01 davatron5000

I've composed a quick tip on maximum-scale, but how do you want it? The gist url or some other way? I'm not sure what workflow you are using for posts. :smile:

Btw. I tried to follow the basic layout of the already existing posts. If you wouldn't mind checking it and report back any issues with it.


thomassjogren avatar Jan 14 '13 00:01 thomassjogren

Link dump...

Skip to content links: http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2013/01/15/fixing-skip-to-content-links/

Color contrast: http://leaverou.github.com/contrast-ratio/

Icon fonts: http://symbolset.com/ http://css-tricks.com/html-for-icon-font-usage/

chriscoyier avatar Jan 15 '13 17:01 chriscoyier

@chriscoyier OK so we got Lea in on the checklist page under 'testing' and also listed under 'online tools' on the resources page :metal:

grayghostvisuals avatar Jan 15 '13 17:01 grayghostvisuals

Another link regarding title attribute usage: http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/2013/01/using-the-html-title-attribute-updated/

susanjrobertson avatar Jan 15 '13 17:01 susanjrobertson

An idea for a post could be:

HOWTO: Correctly label input types

Including labels, hints (formats or required messages), error message, etc.

p4bl1t0 avatar Jul 23 '13 21:07 p4bl1t0

grayghostvisuals avatar Nov 12 '13 05:11 grayghostvisuals

Good resource for ARIA-Live https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Live_Regions

pstonier avatar Aug 19 '15 10:08 pstonier

I can definitely see myself writing some posts. I will come up with some ideas and content.

chrisdemars avatar Sep 25 '15 14:09 chrisdemars

Hmm I think I'm going to give Color Contrast a try!

RachelRVasquez avatar Dec 18 '15 15:12 RachelRVasquez

Hello. Just wanted to introduce myself, apologies if this is inappropriate. I am very new to Github and so am struggling to work out where/how to help with this project (eg I've never done a pull request or filed an issue and that sort of thing). I have been working for the past few years teaching blind and partially sighted users how to navigate computers and the web with screenreader software, so I'm hopeful that my experience might be useful. Anyway just saying hi. I'm doing a course on Github on Treehouse soon - once I've done that I should have a better idea what to do! Matt.

bupkes avatar Mar 01 '16 12:03 bupkes

@bupkes Welcome :) !!! Yes finish that course and report back.. but until you get a grasp of Git you can contribute. Your experience is priceless. Poke around our issues and chime in.. poke around our website and create issues if you find them. You don't have to be expert coder human to make a difference :)

If GitHub is a barrier feel free to email me directly ideas and such: info/at/joe-watkins.io

joe-watkins avatar Mar 01 '16 16:03 joe-watkins

Welcome @bupkes! In our redesign of the a11yproject.com site, we were struggling on the best implementation method for accordion-style collapsable content on mobile devices. There were some quirks with implementation that we thought might give screen reader users a worse experience with the site, so we abandoned it. It'd be great to pick your brain on the topic so we could figure out some solid patterns that give screen reader users and non-screen reader users a great experience.

Thanks for getting in touch and offering to help! Cheers, Jerry

jeryj avatar Mar 04 '16 21:03 jeryj

Recommendation to add the following book to the list:

Digital Outcasts: Moving Technology Forward without Leaving People Behind - Kel Smith

inclusiveThinking avatar Apr 08 '16 14:04 inclusiveThinking

Greetings. I would like to take "Accessible Typography". I should have a gist about in about a week.

inclusiveThinking avatar May 02 '16 01:05 inclusiveThinking

Hiya! 👋 I'd like to tackle an ARIA basics article to write. Question about the ARIA basics for roles, states, and properties - how would these differ from their intros? Would we be diving into specific application with examples? E.g. How to use ARIA landmark roles or How to use ARIA states on XYZ?

RachelRVasquez avatar Nov 29 '16 04:11 RachelRVasquez

I think clarifying the difference between roles, states, and properties would be of benefit. People often refer to ARIA as "ARIA roles" when I think they usually mean ARIA in general.

jpdevries avatar Nov 29 '16 08:11 jpdevries

I'll work on a HOWTO for accessible modals.

kendrick avatar Oct 02 '17 17:10 kendrick

@kendrick Sounds good, go for it!

Please create a new issue when you've got something to show, linking your text in a gist for review.

svinkle avatar Oct 02 '17 18:10 svinkle

Has High Contrast Mode under AT been taken yet?

digilou avatar Oct 05 '17 00:10 digilou

I don't think so, @digilou. Go for it! 🙂

Please create a new issue when you've got something to show, linking your text in a gist for review.

svinkle avatar Oct 05 '17 00:10 svinkle

Hi all! I work with ARIA during most days of the week and was wondering if the ARIA states article was still up for grabs? I'd love to contribute to a project that myself and my team of developers could use on a regular basis!

Watso196 avatar May 11 '18 20:05 Watso196

@Watso196 Awesome idea! It's great when you write something then reference later. It could also be a mini series if you're keen; ARIA roles and properties could also use an article.

Either way, I say go for it! 👍

svinkle avatar May 11 '18 20:05 svinkle

@Watso196 Are you still taking the ARIA states/properties? If not, I'd like to write the article about properties at least then potentially expand to articles about states and roles.

alexroseb avatar Jul 25 '18 15:07 alexroseb

I think there's enough there that the work could be split up :)

scottaohara avatar Jul 25 '18 15:07 scottaohara

I think some of the unchecked items on the issue are already published.

Basic - Color blindness: https://a11yproject.com/posts/understanding-colourblindness/ Assistive Technology - NVDA: The OpenSource Screen Reader: https://a11yproject.com/posts/getting-started-with-nvda/

missmatsuko avatar Aug 18 '18 21:08 missmatsuko

If you are still looking for an article on color blindness I published one on Medium a couple of months ago that was picked up by the UX collective and has thousands of reads. https://medium.com/@sheribyrnehaber/color-blindness-considerations-for-designers-and-content-managers-a767ab38a825 I've also done a couple more techy ones on accessibility as measured by 2.1 for toast messages. Haven't done too much on GitHub before, but I will learn

sheribyrne avatar Jan 28 '19 22:01 sheribyrne

HOWTO: Implementing Audio Descriptions

michaelspellacy avatar Mar 14 '19 14:03 michaelspellacy

Hi there 👋🏽 I've done a few videos on Firefox + A11Y with the Mozilla Developer YouTube channel. Is it okay to re-share them or would it be best to re-shoot them? Also, would I be responsible for the editing or does the A11Y Project provide support?

youriwims avatar Aug 20 '20 18:08 youriwims

@youriwims Those are so well done! I love the tone, pace, and how approachable they are!! Awesome work :) You are a great teacher.

joe-watkins avatar Aug 20 '20 19:08 joe-watkins

@youriwims We can list the videos on our Resources page. And echoing what Joe said, I love these videos!

Would you like to draft up a PR, or is that something you'd like us to do?

ericwbailey avatar Aug 21 '20 15:08 ericwbailey