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example - wav to spectogram
Hi, I am trying to run the example to convert wav file to spectrogram. Can you please provide a running example. Thank you.
`Tw = 25; % analysis frame duration (ms)
Ts = 10; % analysis frame shift (ms)
alpha = 0.97; % preemphasis coefficient
R = [ 300 3700 ]; % frequency range to consider
M = 20; % number of filterbank channels
C = 13; % number of cepstral coefficients
L = 22; % cepstral sine lifter parameter
% hamming window (see Eq. (5.2) on p.73 of [1])
hamming = @(N)(0.54-0.46cos(2pi*[0:N-1].'/(N-1)));
% Read speech samples, sampling rate and precision from file
[ speech, fs, nbits ] = wavread( 'sp10.wav' );
% Feature extraction (feature vectors as columns)
[ MFCCs, FBEs, frames ] = ... mfcc( speech, fs, Tw, Ts, alpha, hamming, R, M, C, L );
% Plot cepstrum over time
figure('Position', [30 100 800 200], 'PaperPositionMode', 'auto', ... 'color', 'w', 'PaperOrientation', 'landscape', 'Visible', 'on' );
imagesc( [1:size(MFCCs,2)], [0:C-1], MFCCs );
axis( 'xy' );
xlabel( 'Frame index' );
ylabel( 'Cepstrum index' );
title( 'Mel frequency cepstrum' ); `