console-progress-bar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
console-progress-bar copied to clipboard

Customizable progress bar for C# console applications (.NET Core 2.0). Includes a basic progress bar which can be used for any long-running task and a file transfer progress bar that detects when the...

Progress Bar for Console Applications (.NET Core 2.0)

A simple way to represent the progress of a long-running task in a C# console app. Targets .NET Core 2.0.


  • ConsoleProgressBar

    • Implements IProgress<double> The IProgress interface greatly simplifies the effort to report progress from an async method to the UI, clunky boilerplate code to ensure thread-safety is not required since the SynchronizationContext is captured when the progress bar is instantiated.
    • Efficient and light-weight Console can become sluggish and unresponsive when called frequently, this progress bar only performs 8 calls/second regardless of how often progress is reported.
    • Customizable Each component of the progress bar (start/end brackets, completed/incomplete blocks, progress animation) can be set to any string value through public properties and each item displayed (the progress bar itself, percentage complete, animation) can be shown or hidden.
  • FileTransferProgressBar

    • Extends ConsoleProgressBar and adds the ability to detect when a file transfer has stalled.
    • If the time since last progress reported exceeds the TimeSpanFileStalled value, the FileTransferStalled event fires.
    • Provides further customization of the display with the ability to show/hide the bytes received and file size in bytes



Progress Bar_Win

Mac (VS Code)

Progress Bar_Mac


Progress Bar_Ubuntu


Numbers correspond to the examples shown above, full source code for examples can be found in ./TestConsole/Program.cs

// 1. Default behavior
var pb1 = new ConsoleProgressBar();
await TestProgressBar(pb1, 1);

// 2. Customized all progress bar components
var pb2 = new ConsoleProgressBar
    NumberOfBlocks = 18,
    StartBracket = string.Empty,
    EndBracket = string.Empty,
    CompletedBlock = "\u2022",
    IncompleteBlock = "·",
    AnimationSequence = ProgressAnimations.RotatingPipe
await TestProgressBar(pb2, 2);

// 3. Hide progress bar
var pb3 = new ConsoleProgressBar
    DisplayBar = false,
    AnimationSequence = ProgressAnimations.RotatingTriangle
await TestProgressBar(pb3, 3);

// 4. Customized progress bar, successful file transfer
const long fileSize = (long)(8 * FileHelper.OneKB);
var pb4 = new FileTransferProgressBar(fileSize, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
    NumberOfBlocks = 15,
    StartBracket = "|",
    EndBracket = "|",
    CompletedBlock = "|",
    IncompleteBlock = "\u00a0",
    AnimationSequence = ProgressAnimations.PulsingLine
await TestFileTransferProgressBar(pb4, fileSize, 4);

// 5. Hide progress bar and animation, unsuccessful file transfer
const long fileSize2 = (long)(100 * 36 * FileHelper.OneMB);
var pb5 = new FileTransferProgressBar(fileSize2, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))
    DisplayBar = false,
    DisplayAnimation = false
pb5.FileTransferStalled += HandleFileTransferStalled;
await TestFileTransferStalled(pb5, fileSize2, 5);