Ahmed Eid

Results 63 comments of Ahmed Eid

we're also seeing this issue when nesting `native-stack` inside of `"@th3rdwave/react-navigation-bottom-sheet"`

this code reproduces the bug as well without the need for tabbar navigator. ```tsx const [index, setIndex] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { const interval = setInterval(() => { setIndex((i) =>...

try using `react-native-screen/native-stack` instead of `@react-navigation/native-stack`

I believe this might be the actual error message ``` xcodebuild[39222:30929508] Requested but did not find extension point with identifier Xcode.InterfaceBuilderBuildSupport.PlatformDefinition ``` which I'm not sure how to resolve yet,...

@mrousavy I think this is a much needed api, something like [Native Script Workers API](https://docs.nativescript.org/guide/multithreading#workers-api) would be perfect. keep in mind that flutter also have [Concurrency and isolates ](https://docs.flutter.dev/perf/isolates) I...

try to `refresh` before `fetch`. ```ts await NetInfo.refresh() await NetInfo.fetch() ```

> An update: Doing a manual upload on Play console of the AAB artefact allows me to fill in the new foreground permission details in relation to the new release....

@jkstrawn @josh- how do you show notifications when the app is foregrounded ? ```ts async function onMessageReceived(message: FirebaseMessagingTypes.RemoteMessage) { // what code goes here } messaging().onMessage(onMessageReceived) messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(onMessageReceived) ```

wondering if there are any updates on this issue ?

run script with python version 2 not 3