Very good, I trust you. Maybe I’m not understanding what you mean by database transaction. I’d love to try implementing a solution. A B Il giorno 24 mag 2019, alle...
This is interesting. Always astonished to find how much I can still learn from you! 😛 I'll give it a try.
Similar issue can be found here ~ But the very 🥇 big bottle neck is this one:
Last but not least, depending on the number of components affected by the selection field
There is a huge slow down when creating new field settings. Binda version: `0.1.6.alpha.3`
Same happens with `update_attributes`
Also it generates a bug when you try to remove the temporary choice from Binda interface.
~You are able to delete the temporary choice only changing the current default choice, save and after reloading you can delete it.~ This generates another bug because temporary choice is...
There is another major issue with `Binda::Radio` being a subclass of `Binda::Selection`: the fact that it has a `has_many :choices` rather than `has_one :choice`! The best way to refactor this...