[Vim keybinds]( ``` h left j down k up l right ^ beginning of line $ end of line ctrl+d ½ pgdwn ctrl+u ½ pgup gg go to top of...
Both a button to copy selected URLs and for Ctrl+C to copy selected URLs. Currently the first does not exist and the latter just copies the last selected URL.
URL favicons where appropriate, like the known URLs window in the media viewer, maybe in GUGs, manage downloader objects window.
I've been doing a lot of dupe work lately and sometimes I have to look up the source to double-check things. A problem arises when you're trying to check a...
Setting or keybind to hide/display non-image elements in dupe filter like the hovering bars, especially the one showing differences between the images, sometimes it hides important parts of the images.
Make all keybinds customisable, remove all hardcoded keybinds. Currently some keybinds are hardcoded. > Dev: Broaden shortcut customisation
Currently the menu bar has underlined letters (purely cosmetic), in most other programs you would be able to hit that button and open the corresponding menu. Then further options would...
Warning when creating conflicting keybinds. Preferably Hydrus is or should be smart enough to know that some windows will not conflict so the same key can be used in them...
For example for Discord so instead of/in addition to the image being posted the top URL gets posted. Top URL being either just "randomly" defined by Hydrus or using rules...
Undo single file deletion. Undo remove from view Undo deselection (having selected a bunch of files or tags, accidentally clicking something else and having them all deselected so you have...