every_door icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
every_door copied to clipboard

A dedicated app for collecting thousands of POI for OpenStreetMap

Results 174 every_door issues
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When I am editing a POI, the editor shows three options for an address, and sometimes (presumably in areas with multiple levels), shows some values for what level the POI...

Do the regular stuff: check font sizes and that one can edit amenities using a text-to-speech interface. - [ ] All `IconButton`s should have tooltips. - [ ] The app...


* https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/121250089 * https://overpass-api.de/achavi/?changeset=121250089


I need to force enable one-by-one uploading and test how it works, especially with node snapping. > какой-то глюк в ED: правки не вгружались все вместе, а только по одной...


Examples ![Screenshot_20220614-205521_StreetComplete](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25708359/173657467-8cf98990-421e-44cb-8711-7d32ca6113ef.jpg) ![Screenshot_20220614-205558_YandexMaps](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25708359/173657483-bd23af3e-c172-4852-816d-c563e9566fcf.jpg) ![Screenshot_20220614-205643_Vespucci](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25708359/173657493-0a38725d-a1f9-4faf-95e0-4d50402f00d3.jpg)


A simple stuff: * [ ] PostgreSQL backend with two tables (points and lines) * [ ] PHP / Python API for uploading in batch and downloading by bbox *...


A fourth mode that allows scribbling lines on top of a map / imagery layer. No uploading anywhere, but with a option to export to geojson. Below two rows of...
