Improvement of plugin - [x] market analysis - [x] analysis of an existing plugin - [x] first ideas, existing problems - [ ] Ux research - [ ] questionnaire -...
Look at components and potentional modern improvements. borders colors styles https://www.refactoringui.com/
**Design** Figma file: https://www.figma.com/design/wVmz098ZrSxswOI0nbIjQ2/Design-system-Tolgee?node-id=1718-54457 - [x] the process and specification - [x] bulk creation of a task - [x] new task dialog - [x] my tasks - [x] my tasks...
- [ ] Names of icons from iconset (ZO) - [ ] Change iconset in platform (SG) - [ ] Special icons - naming, svg format (ZO+SG)
Create a new order using tasks. Design and notes here: https://www.figma.com/design/wVmz098ZrSxswOI0nbIjQ2/Design-system-Tolgee?node-id=1713-29712