b站up主Koala聊开源的《hacker news 周报》合集的内容总结
官方网页版 (推荐)
- 添加黑白切换功能(右上角的控件)
- 搜索功能(快速定位到相关表格)
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00:09 |
Eidos|离线版 Notion |
https://eidos.space/ |
01:01 |
Yazi|Rust 编写终端文件管理器 |
https://github.com/sxyazi/yazi |
01:48 |
Claude 3.5 发布 |
https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet |
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00:09 |
Cyber Scarecrow|赛博稻草人 |
https://www.cyberscarecrow.com/ |
01:28 |
Teo| 快速 CRUD 开发框架 |
https://github.com/teodevgroup/teo |
02:39 |
Dbmate|数据库迁移工具 |
https://github.com/amacneil/dbmate |
03:44 |
SQL Studio|跨平台数据库 GUI 客户端 |
https://github.com/frectonz/sql-studio |
04:15 |
htmx 2.0 版本正式发布 |
https://htmx.org/posts/2024-06-17-htmx-2-0-0-is-released |
04:58 |
TokenCost|计算 LLM AI 成本 |
https://github.com/AgentOps-AI/tokencost |
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00:09 |
Taipy|Python 开发 Web UI 工具 |
https://taipy.io/ |
01:05 |
Revideo|通过代码编辑视频 |
https://github.com/redotvideo/revideo |
01:45 |
Piku|轻量级 PaaS 方案 |
https://github.com/piku/piku |
02:41 |
Restate| 持久化工作流引擎 |
https://restate.dev/ |
03:32 |
Ice| macOS 菜单栏管理工具 |
https://github.com/jordanbaird/Ice |
04:01 |
Pastel|基于 React 开发命令行工具的框架 |
https://github.com/vadimdemedes/pastel |
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00:09 |
Pake|将网页打包为桌面应用 |
https://github.com/tw93/Pake |
01:06 |
PlayBooks|故障排查和修复的效率工具 |
https://drdroid.io/ |
02:26 |
File0|开发者存储服务 |
https://www.file0.dev/ |
03:21 |
Uppy|现代文件上传库 |
https://uppy.io/ |
04:02 |
Terminal CSS|终端风格 CSS |
https://terminalcss.xyz/ |
04:51 |
快手发布可灵|中国版 Sora 文生视频 |
https://kling.kuaishou.com/ |
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00:09 |
Sandbox|开源云端 IDE |
https://github.com/ishaan1013/sandbox |
01:20 |
Namviek|开源项目管理工具 |
https://github.com/hudy9x/namviek |
02:02 |
Wired Elements|手绘风格 UI 组件库 |
https://wiredjs.com/ |
02:36 |
Vulcain|基于 HTTP/2 增强 API |
https://vulcain.rocks/ |
03:20 |
ChatTTS|文本转语音模型 |
https://github.com/2noise/ChatTTS |
03:59 |
Cover-Agent|AI 生成单元测试 |
https://github.com/Codium-ai/cover-agent |
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00:09 |
SST| 基于 serverless 架构的全栈框架 |
https://sst.dev/ |
01:12 |
Amber|编译至 Bash 的现代脚本语言 |
https://amber-lang.com/ |
02:20 |
Avvvatars| 有趣的 React 头像组件库 |
https://github.com/nusu/avvvatars |
02:58 |
Piko| Ngrok 的开源替代品 |
https://github.com/andydunstall/piko |
03:49 |
Unify| 一个 LLM AI 路由 |
https://unify.ai/ |
04:30 |
从零构建 Llama3 的精彩教程 |
https://github.com/naklecha/llama3-from-scratch |
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00:09 |
React Compiler| React 代码优化编译器 |
https://react.dev/learn/react-compiler |
01:15 |
React Flow|基于 React 构建的开源库 |
https://reactflow.dev/ |
02:06 |
DuckDB|内存分析型数据库 |
https://duckdb.org/ |
03:03 |
pgsql-http|提供 HTTP 客户端功能的 postgres 扩展 |
https://github.com/pramsey/pgsql-http |
04:29 |
Veo|DeepMind 发布 Sora 竞品 |
https://deepmind.google/technologies/veo |
05:38 |
OpenAI 发布了新的模型 GPT-4o |
https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/ |
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00:09 |
Glance| 开源个人主页工具 |
https://github.com/glanceapp/glance |
01:20 |
Hurl|一个命令行工具 |
https://hurl.dev/ |
02:24 |
Dokploy|开源一站式部署管理平台 |
https://dokploy.com/ |
03:25 |
Terminal Trove|专注于 CLI 和 TUI 工具的网站 |
https://terminaltrove.com/list/ |
04:01 |
微软发布 Phi-3 开源 AI 模型系列 |
https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/introducing-phi-3-redefining-whats-possible-with-slms/ |
04:50 |
苹果发布最新一代芯片 M4 |
https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2024/05/apple-introduces-m4-chip/ |
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00:09 |
sqlc| 多语言 SQL 生成器 |
https://sqlc.dev/ |
00:52 |
Extensions.js|浏览器插件开发工具 |
https://github.com/cezaraugusto/extension.js |
01:41 |
Verdaccio| 轻量级 Node.js 私有化 Registry 方案 |
https://verdaccio.org/ |
02:28 |
secret-llama|使用 WebGPU 在浏览器中运行 LLM |
https://github.com/abi/secret-llama |
03:10 |
EmojiMart|表情包选择器组件 |
https://github.com/missive/emoji-mart |
03:45 |
React 19 发布 |
https://react.dev/blog/2024/04/25/react-19 |
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00:09 |
Cap|开源桌面端录屏分享工具 |
https://cap.so/ |
00:46 |
Infisical|密钥管理方案 |
https://infisical.com/ |
01:29 |
Hatchet|分布式高容错消息队列 |
https://github.com/hatchet-dev/hatchet |
02:16 |
ServiceLogos|可爱版 Logo 绘制 |
https://github.com/SAWARATSUKI/ServiceLogos |
02:52 |
-> |
https://github.com/myshell-ai/OpenVoice https://github.com/apple/corenet https://www.balanc3dgame.com/ |
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00:10 |
Redka|基于 SQLite 实现 Redis |
https://github.com/nalgeon/redka |
00:58 |
otel-profiling-agent|基于 eBPF 的全局 agent |
https://github.com/elastic/otel-profiling-agent |
01:59 |
DrawDB|免费易用的开源数据库设计工具 |
https://github.com/drawdb-io/drawdb |
02:36 |
TresJS| Vue 结合 Three.js 的应用开发框架 |
https://tresjs.org/ |
03:23 |
reader API|将网页内容供 LLM 使用的函数服务 |
https://github.com/jina-ai/reader https://github.com/mendableai/firecrawl https://twenty.com/ |
04:20 |
Twenty| 流行的开源 CRM 方案 |
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00:09 |
Morphic|增强版 AI 问答引擎 |
https://github.com/miurla/morphic |
00:48 |
Scalar|更加现代化的 API 文档框架 |
https://scalar.com/ |
01:25 |
Faces.js|生成基于 SVG 的卡通头像的 JS 库 |
https://github.com/zengm-games/facesjs https://zengm.com/facesjs/editor |
02:03 |
PythonMonkey|Python 与 JS 融合运行时 |
https://github.com/Distributive-Network/PythonMonkey |
02:56 |
Alloy|符合 OpenTelemetry 标准的采集器 |
https://github.com/grafana/alloy |
03:47 |
四大 AI 模型突飞猛进 |
https://twitter.com/OpenAIDevs/status/1777769463258988634 |
https://developers.googleblog.com/2024/04/gemini-15-pro-in-public-preview-with-new-features.html |
https://twitter.com/MistralAI/status/1777869263778291896 |
https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/09/meta-confirms-that-its-llama-3-open-source-llm-is-coming-in-the-next-month/ |
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00:10 |
HeyForm| 开源的表单 SaaS 解决方案 |
https://github.com/heyform/heyform |
00:48 |
Freeze|将代码与终端结果转图片的工具 |
https://github.com/charmbracelet/freeze |
01:31 |
TS-Pattern|TS 对 Pattern Matching 的实现 |
https://github.com/gvergnaud/ts-pattern |
02:11 |
SPQR| 无状态 Postgres 数据库查询路由工具 |
https://github.com/pg-sharding/spqr |
02:58 |
llamafile|Mozilla 开源的单个文件运行大模型 |
https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile |
03:48 |
Counterscale|开源的 Web 数据分析工具 |
https://counterscale.dev/ |
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00:09 |
KeyDB|Redis 替代方案 |
https://keydb.dev/ |
00:48 |
Lago|开源 Stripe 替代品 |
https://www.getlago.com/ |
01:35 |
GritQL| 用于搜索和修改代码的查询语言 |
https://github.com/getgrit/gritql |
02:26 |
PrimeVue| 一组 Vue 组件库 |
https://primevue.org/ |
03:03 |
Dropflow|基于 CSS 标准实现的布局引擎 |
https://github.com/chearon/dropflow |
03:47 |
DBRX|Databricks 开源基础大模型 |
https://www.databricks.com/blog/introducing-dbrx-new-state-art-open-llm |
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00:09 |
difftastic|智能 diff 工具 |
https://difftastic.wilfred.me.uk/ |
00:52 |
Retina|微软发布的开源 K8s 网络观测平台 |
https://retina.sh/ |
01:46 |
Memories|开源相册软件 |
https://memories.gallery/ |
02:36 |
Soul|Soul | 为 SQLite 提供 REST API |
https://github.com/thevahidal/soul |
03:21 |
jnv|对 JSON 数据解析和过滤 |
https://github.com/ynqa/jnv |
04:03 |
griddycode|基于 Godot 开发编辑器 |
https://github.com/face-hh/griddycode |
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00:08 |
Aceternity UI|设计感极强的 UI 组件 |
https://ui.aceternity.com/components |
00:50 |
Spreadsheets-are-all-you-need| 基于 Excel 实现 GPT |
https://spreadsheets-are-all-you-need.ai/index.html |
01:27 |
Editor.js| 块式富文本编辑器框架 |
https://editorjs.io/ |
02:08 |
Ingestr| Python 命令行工具 |
https://bruin-data.github.io/ingestr/ |
02:47 |
Spin| WASM serverless 服务 |
https://github.com/fermyon/spin |
03:39 |
Astro 发布数据库方案 Astro DB |
https://astro.build/db/ https://astro.build/blog/astro-db-deep-dive |
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00:09 |
任天堂掌上游戏机发展史回顾 |
https://www.scanofthemonth.com/scans/game-boy-compendium |
01:10 |
《为什么要运行自己的 DNS 服务器?》 |
https://www.howtogeek.com/devops/how-to-run-your-own-dns-server-on-your-local-network/ |
01:31 |
Zotero,一个开源的经典文献管理工具 |
https://www.zotero.org/ |
01:57 |
Darling,一个帮助你在 Linux 上运行 Mac 应用程序的工具 |
https://www.darlinghq.org/ |
02:16 |
coqui,克隆你的声音说外语 |
https://coqui.ai/ |
02:35 |
OpenDrop, 一个开源版的 AirDrop |
https://github.com/seemoo-lab/opendrop |
02:53 |
Portmaster,一个帮助你管理电脑网络的开源软件 |
https://safing.io/ |
03:20 |
Papers We Love,一个专门研读学术类计算机科学论文的开源社区 |
https://paperswelove.org/ |
03:42 |
关于 Zig 这个新兴编程语言的分析 |
https://www.duskborn.com/posts/2021-aoc-zig/ |
04:14 |
Raycast 团队信奉无需 code review 的理念 |
https://www.raycast.com/blog/no-code-reviews-by-default |
04:50 |
利用浏览器 web GL 实现的东京地铁实时可视化地图 |
05:13 |
SpaceX Dragon 2 与国际空间站对接的模拟机 |
https://iss-sim.spacex.com/ |
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00:08 |
JSR|Deno 推出 NPM 替代品 |
https://deno.com/blog/jsr_open_beta |
01:03 |
Puter|浏览器中的操作系统 |
https://github.com/HeyPuter/puter https://puter.com/ |
01:51 |
Expr|基于 Go 开发的简易脚本语言 |
https://github.com/expr-lang/expr |
02:43 |
Finder| 生成最短 CSS 选择器的 JS 库 |
https://github.com/antonmedv/finder |
03:15 |
Daytona 开源开发环境管理工具 |
https://www.daytona.io/ |
04:00 |
苹果抢占 AI 笔记本电脑市场 |
https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2024/03/apple-unveils-the-new-13-and-15-inch-macbook-air-with-the-powerful-m3-chip/?utm_source=hackernewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=show_hn |
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00:08 |
Pingora|Cloudflare 发布 Nginx 开源替代品 |
https://github.com/cloudflare/pingora https://blog.cloudflare.com/pingora-open-source |
01:13 |
PGlite|浏览器中运行 Postgres |
https://github.com/electric-sql/pglite |
01:57 |
Testcontainers| 一组基于 Docker 实现的开箱即用的容器 |
https://testcontainers.com/getting-started/ |
02:42 |
Podinfo|Go 微服务模版项目 |
https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo |
03:24 |
uikit|React 3D UI 开发方案 |
https://github.com/pmndrs/uikit https://twitter.com/BelaBohlender/status/1763258175770235046 |
04:02 |
Zoxide|一个更聪明更强大的 cd 命令 |
https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide |
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00:09 |
uv|高性能 Python 包管理器 |
https://astral.sh/blog/uv |
00:33 |
Markmap|Markdown 编写思维导图 |
https://markmap.js.org/repl |
00:58 |
Lobe Chat|开源的 LLM UI 交互界面 |
https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-chat |
01:27 |
GPTScript|创建基于自然语言编程体验的脚本语言 |
https://github.com/gptscript-ai/gptscript |
02:03 |
Gemma|Google 开源大模型 |
https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemma-open-models/ |
02:35 |
Ok-Robot|机器人与 AI 领域的有趣研究项目 |
https://ok-robot.github.io/ |
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00:09 |
Toolong|终端日志管理工具 |
https://github.com/Textualize/toolong |
00:39 |
GitButler| Git 分支管理工具 |
https://gitbutler.com/ |
01:08 |
WXT|降低浏览器插件开发复杂度的框架 |
https://wxt.dev/ |
01:38 |
dstack|GPU 负载管理方案 |
https://dstack.ai/ |
01:59 |
OpenAI 发布视频生成模型 Sora |
https://openai.com/sora |
02:28 |
Google 介绍 100 万上下文模型 Gemini 1.5 |
https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-gemini-next-generation-model-february-2024 |
03:06 |
《Koala聊开源》介绍 2023 年 JS 社区开源前 50 项目 |
https://space.bilibili.com/489667127/channel/collectiondetail?sid=2214332 |
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00:09 |
LLRT|AWS 开源轻量级 JS 运行时 |
https://github.com/awslabs/llrt |
00:41 |
pet|命令行代码片段管理工具 |
https://github.com/knqyf263/pet |
01:13 |
React Email| 邮件模版开发工具 |
https://react.email |
01:35 |
gping|网络检测工具 |
https://github.com/orf/gping |
01:58 |
Zellij|一个终端工作区 |
https://zellij.dev/screencasts/ |
02:25 |
Gemini Ultra 面世 |
https://blog.google/products/gemini/bard-gemini-advanced-app/ |
02:51 |
react native 开发 vision pro 应用 |
https://www.callstack.com/blog/announcing-react-native-for-apple-vision-pro |
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00:09 |
React Resizable Panels|React 动态面板库 |
https://github.com/bvaughn/react-resizable-panels |
00:45 |
Plot|为数据分析场景设计的可视化 JS 库 |
https://github.com/observablehq/plot |
01:15 |
OpenSaaS| 开源 SaaS 框架 |
https://github.com/wasp-lang/open-saas |
01:46 |
Code Llama 70B 发布 |
https://twitter.com/AIatMeta/status/1752013879532782075 |
02:05 |
ChatGPT Prompting|快速构建提示词的在线小工具 |
https://mitenmit.github.io/gpt |
02:31 |
Twine|使用 Kotlin 和 Compose 构建的多平台 RSS 阅读器 |
https://github.com/msasikanth/twine |
03:10 |
本频道技术顾问的播客采访 |
https://www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com/episode/65bafe551ed6d5797f6c37c2 |
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00:09 |
Zed|开源的新锐代码编辑器 |
https://zed.dev/blog/zed-is-now-open-source |
00:43 |
TypeSpec|微软推出 API 定义工具 |
https://typespec.io/ |
01:19 |
ts-reset|由开源社区维护的 TypeScript 增强规则 |
https://www.totaltypescript.com/ts-reset |
01:50 |
visx| 数据可视化库 |
https://airbnb.io/visx/ |
02:18 |
Zustand|年度最受关注的 React 状态管理工具 |
https://zustand-demo.pmnd.rs/ |
02:45 |
一本讲解查询引擎工作原理的电子书 |
https://howqueryengineswork.com/ |
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00:09 |
Marimo|新一代 python notebook |
https://marimo.io/ |
00:37 |
Nitro|高性能 Typescript Web 框架 |
https://nitro.unjs.io/ |
01:09 |
FireDBG| Rust 代码调试器 |
https://firedbg.sea-ql.org/ |
01:34 |
DevDocs|技术文档查询工具 |
https://devdocs.io/ |
01:53 |
Htmldocs|在线编辑器 |
https://htmldocs.com/ |
02:19 |
Better-commits|一个编写 commit 的 CLI 工具 |
https://github.com/Everduin94/better-commits |
02:40 |
OutRun| 隐私保护的开源跑步 App |
https://outrun.tadris.de/ |
03:02 |
Rosebud AI|AI 驱动的游戏开发平台 |
https://www.rosebud.ai/ |
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00:10 |
shoelace|web components 组件库 |
https://shoelace.style/ |
00:36 |
Penrose| 科研图表库 |
https://penrose.cs.cmu.edu/ |
01:03 |
更好的 nodejs fs API |
https://humanwhocodes.com/blog/2024/01/fsx-modern-filesystem-api-javascript/ |
01:36 |
ugrep|比 grep 更友好的命令行搜索工具 |
https://ugrep.com/ |
02:26 |
开源的 prompt 设计工具 priompt |
https://github.com/anysphere/priompt |
02:33 |
Go 作者年度总结 |
https://commandcenter.blogspot.com/2024/01/what-we-got-right-what-we-got-wrong.html |
02:58 |
vx.dev 再度升级多项新功能 开放免费体验 |
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ha4y117rZ/ |
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00:10 |
Blot|轻量级网站部署工具 |
https://blot.im/ |
00:40 |
Plotteus| 专注于数据故事的 JS 库 |
https://www.plotteus.dev/ |
01:06 |
Atuin|为 shell 历史提供同步、搜索、备份功能的工具 |
https://atuin.sh/ |
01:29 |
pgroll|开源 Postgres schema 迁移工具 |
https://xata.io/blog/pgroll-schema-migrations-postgres |
01:55 |
一篇介绍 psql 命令行使用技巧的文章 |
https://psql-tips.org/psql_tips_all.html |
02:10 |
保时捷发布 UI 设计指南的 v3 版本 |
https://designsystem.porsche.com/ |
02:30 |
starlight|Astro 出品的文档工具 |
https://starlight.astro.build/ |
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00:09 |
Inbox Zero|开源邮箱管理工具 |
https://www.getinboxzero.com/ |
00:43 |
Plate| 完全可定制富文本编辑器 |
https://platejs.org/ |
01:10 |
movie-web|在线看电影应用 |
https://movie-web.app/ |
01:36 |
Tree-sitter|构建编程语言解析器的框架 |
https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/ |
02:08 |
Dozzle|轻量级 Docker 日志监控 Web 应用 |
https://github.com/amir20/dozzle |
02:35 |
Sonner|通知弹出 UI 组件 |
https://sonner.emilkowal.ski/ |
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00:08 |
Vue 2 将结束生命周期 |
https://blog.vuejs.org/posts/vue-2-eol |
00:41 |
Svelte 发布 SvelteKit 2.0 版本 |
https://svelte.dev/blog/sveltekit-2 |
01:08 |
nutjs|基于 JS 的桌面端自动化工具库 |
https://nutjs.dev/ |
01:33 |
TypeScript 学习与习题平台 Typehero 开源 |
https://typehero.dev/ |
01:59 |
macOSpilot| 一个 Mac 原生的自动化方案 |
https://github.com/elfvingralf/macOSpilot-ai-assistant |
02:29 |
vx.dev|v0.dev 的开源替代 |
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1de411r7uU https://github.com/Yuyz0112/vx.dev |
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00:09 |
Oxlint|百倍块的 ESlint 替代品 |
https://oxc-project.github.io/blog/2023-12-12-announcing-oxlint.html |
00:51 |
Trippy|可视化网络流量追逐工具 |
https://trippy.cli.rs/ |
01:27 |
Huh|TUI 表单组件 |
https://github.com/charmbracelet/huh |
01:54 |
Templ| Go 语言的 HTML 模板引擎 |
https://github.com/a-h/templ |
02:36 |
redb| Rust 的轻量级嵌入式 KV 存储 |
https://github.com/cberner/redb |
03:12 |
Mixtral-8x7B|开源多专家混合模型 |
https://mistral.ai/ |
03:12 |
Fly Postgres|托管 Postgres 数据库服务 |
https://supabase.com/blog/postgres-on-fly-by-supabase |
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00:09 |
Webstudio|低代码与 AI 结合的平台 |
https://webstudio.is/ |
00:51 |
Loco|Rust 快速开发框架 |
https://loco.rs/ |
01:27 |
GQL|Git 查询语言 |
https://amrdeveloper.github.io/GQL/ |
01:54 |
Apple 开源 MLX 的数组运算框架,进军 AI |
https://github.com/ml-explore/mlx |
02:36 |
MagicAnimate|基于图片和动作序列的动画生成模型 |
https://github.com/magic-research/magic-animate https://huggingface.co/spaces/zcxu-eric/magicanimate |
03:12 |
Google 发布Gemini 多模态 AI 模型 |
https://deepmind.google/technologies/gemini/ |
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00:10 |
dnd kit|更现代的 React 拖拽库 |
https://dndkit.com/ |
00:41 |
Vest| 一个 JS 声明式校验框架 |
https://vestjs.dev/ |
01:12 |
marker| PDF 转 markdown 工具 |
https://github.com/VikParuchuri/marker |
01:37 |
openmeter|云服务计量工具 |
https://openmeter.io/ |
02:13 |
SQL formatter|SQL 语句格式化工具 |
https://github.com/sql-formatter-org/sql-formatter |
02:35 |
Knip|废弃代码扫描工具 |
https://github.com/webpro/knip |
02:54 |
MobSlide|将手机变为 PPT 遥控器 |
https://thewh1teagle.github.io/mobslide.web/ |
03:14 |
《Koala 聊开源》发布生成式 AI 原理讲解视频 |
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1vN4y1Y7u3 |
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00:09 |
Vite 5.0 发布 |
https://vitejs.dev/blog/announcing-vite5 |
00:38 |
River|基于 Postgres 和 Go 的任务队列库 |
https://brandur.org/river |
01:04 |
TinaCMS| 一个灵活易用的 headless 内容管理系统 |
https://github.com/tinacms/tinacms |
01:34 |
Anthropic 发布 Claude 2.1 版本 |
https://www.anthropic.com/index/claude-2-1 |
02:09 |
tldraw 的白板+AI 无限创意 |
https://tldraw.substack.com/p/make-real-the-story-so-far https://twitter.com/tldraw/status/1727728068968460778 |
02:50 |
Stripe 促销日在线概览页面 |
https://bfcm.stripe.dev/ |
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00:09 |
React Datasheet Grid| 开源 Airtable 式表格组件 |
https://react-datasheet-grid.netlify.app/ |
00:40 |
flyscrape|基于 Go 的数据抓取工具 |
https://github.com/philippta/flyscrape |
01:05 |
Loro| CRDT 工具库 |
https://www.loro.dev/ |
01:31 |
GraphCast|Deepmind 发布高效天气预报模型 |
https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/graphcast-ai-model-for-faster-and-more-accurate-global-weather-forecasting/ |
02:12 |
Tiny LLMs|在浏览器中本地运行的大语言模型 |
https://tinyllms.vercel.app/ |
02:33 |
perfect freehand|手绘功能代码仓库 |
https://github.com/steveruizok/perfect-freehand |
03:02 |
一篇介绍 67 种浏览器中调试技巧的文章 |
https://alan.norbauer.com/articles/browser-debugging-tricks |
03:26 |
一篇介绍消息队列 pgmq 的技术原理的文章 |
https://tembo.io/blog/pgmq-self-regulating-queue/ |
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00:09 |
SSHX|基于 Web 的终端共享工具 |
https://sshx.io/ |
00:46 |
Pagefind|专为大型静态网站设计的静态搜索库 |
https://pagefind.app/ |
01:24 |
tailspin| 基于 Rust 开发的日志查看工具 |
https://github.com/bensadeh/tailspin |
01:50 |
Moveable|实现复杂交互的 JS 库 |
https://github.com/daybrush/moveable |
02:20 |
Bulletpapers|为 ArXiv 上的论文基于 AI 进行总结 |
https://www.bulletpapers.ai/ |
02:44 |
Angular 发布 v17 版本和全新官网 |
https://angular.dev/ |
03:07 |
轻松一刻时间|用 WebAssembly 基于虚幻 4 引擎开发的游戏 |
https://play.spacelancers.com/ |
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00:10 |
Grist|将传统电子表格与关系型数据库相结合的开源项目 |
https://www.getgrist.com/ |
00:42 |
Odigos|全自动 K8s tracing 和监控 |
https://odigos.io/ |
01:22 |
RedisInsight|强大的 Redis 客户端 |
https://github.com/RedisInsight/RedisInsight |
01:55 |
ScratchDB| 基于 ClickHouse 构建的数据分析引擎 |
https://github.com/scratchdata/ScratchDB |
02:39 |
Next.js 新版本惹争议 |
https://nextjs.org/blog/next-14 https://remix.run/blog/remix-heart-vite |
03:27 |
Google SRE 团队总结运维的一篇文章 |
https://sre.google/resources/practices-and-processes/twenty-years-of-sre-lessons-learned |
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00:09 |
Sandpack|在线实时编程方案 |
https://sandpack.codesandbox.io/ |
00:33 |
Protomaps|高质量开源地图数据 |
https://protomaps.com/ |
01:06 |
ArtistAssistApp|绘制更逼真颜色的网页应用 |
https://artistassistapp.com/ |
01:47 |
一篇博客|解析 ChatGPT 如何控制 DALL.E 3 |
https://simonwillison.net/2023/Oct/26/add-a-walrus/ |
02:25 |
LocalPilot|本地运行的 GitHub Copilot 替代品 |
https://github.com/danielgross/localpilot |
02:52 |
Epsio 博文|介绍如何构建流计算的 SQL 引擎 |
https://www.epsio.io/blog/how-to-create-a-streaming-sql-engine |
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00:09 |
Dive|快速分析优化容器镜像 |
https://github.com/wagoodman/dive |
00:39 |
LocalSend|Airdrop 跨平台开源替代品 |
https://github.com/localsend/localsend |
01:06 |
Formbricks|开源用户体验管理和调研平台 |
https://github.com/formbricks/formbricks |
01:29 |
Wandb|机器学习一站式平台 |
https://github.com/wandb/wandb |
01:58 |
Reflect| 一个用于构建多人网页应用的同步引擎 |
https://reflect.net/ |
02:24 |
AI 生成 selenium 脚本 |
https://www.autotab.com/ |
02:54 |
Speakeasy|一套 API 端到端工具 |
https://www.speakeasyapi.dev/ |
03:22 |
《Koala聊开源》频道 App 添加列表页功能 |
https://koala-oss.app/ |
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00:09 |
Visual Copilot|Figma 转代码新方案 |
https://www.builder.io/blog/figma-to-code-visual-copilot |
00:51 |
payload 发布了 2.0 版本 |
https://payloadcms.com/blog/payload-2-0 |
01:19 |
vue-office|Vue 中预览文件 |
https://github.com/501351981/vue-office |
01:38 |
Autometrics|自动为函数添加监控指标 |
https://autometrics.dev/ |
02:02 |
OpenLLMetry|基于 OpenTelemetry 标准构建的扩展插件 |
https://github.com/traceloop/openllmetry |
02:26 |
Cloud Computing Patterns|一组基于云计算服务设计的开发最佳实践总结 |
https://www.cloudcomputingpatterns.org/ |
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00:09 |
shuttle| 面向 Rust 的 serverless 云服务 |
https://www.shuttle.rs/ |
00:43 |
MagicMirror2|开源魔镜开发方案 |
https://magicmirror.builders/ |
01:11 |
Tailwind Elements|基于 Tailwind CSS 开发的可复用组件 |
https://tailwind-elements.com/ |
01:40 |
nomnoml| 一个基于简单语法绘制 UML 图的工具 |
https://nomnoml.com/ |
01:58 |
store.app|基于 PWA 实现的各类网站合集 |
https://store.app/ |
02:28 |
ChatGPT 推出了新的语音和图像功能 |
https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-can-now-see-hear-and-speak |
02:51 |
一篇交互式介绍 CRDT 的博客 |
https://jakelazaroff.com/words/an-interactive-intro-to-crdts |
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00:10 |
Yandex 开源 BI 项目 DataLens |
https://github.com/datalens-tech/datalens |
00:41 |
vizro|创建模块化数据可视化应用程序的工具包 |
https://github.com/mckinsey/vizro |
01:01 |
Driver.js|在 Web 上实现产品向导等功能的工具库 |
https://driverjs.com/ |
01:31 |
Drizzle ORM|面向 serverless 的 ORM |
https://orm.drizzle.team/ |
02:07 |
DevToys|开发者的瑞士军刀 |
https://devtoys.app/ |
02:36 |
Adobe 正式将 Photoshop 搬到了 Web 平台上 |
https://photoshop.adobe.com/discover |
02:58 |
《Koala 聊开源》频道开启直播栏目 |
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00:09 |
HyperDX|Datadog 开源替代品 |
https://github.com/hyperdxio/hyperdx |
00:38 |
ElectricSQL|构建本地优先应用的数据库同步工具 |
https://electric-sql.com/ |
01:09 |
rapidpages|Vercel v0 的开源实现 |
https://github.com/rapidpages/rapidpages |
01:34 |
fly.io 开源服务发现工具 Corrosion |
https://github.com/superfly/corrosion |
02:03 |
Gitness|开源的代码托管与 CI/CD 流水线引擎 |
https://gitness.com/ |
02:27 |
最新发布的 TypeScript 纪录片 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6s2pdxebSo |
02:50 |
OpenAI 发布 Dalle.E 3 |
https://openai.com/dall-e-3 |
03:14 |
SeaGOAT|基于向量数据库构建的本地代码搜索工具 |
https://github.com/kantord/SeaGOAT |
03:43 |
OpenAI 展示 fine tuning 功能的 UI 管理能力 |
https://twitter.com/OfficialLoganK/status/1704181284036300970 |
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00:09 |
Expo|react-native 开发工具链 |
https://expo.dev/ |
00:42 |
kr8s|高质量的 Python K8s 客户端 |
https://github.com/kr8s-org/kr8s |
01:11 |
Unit| Nginx 开发的 Web 应用服务器 |
https://github.com/nginx/unit/ |
01:46 |
tldraw|精致灵活的开源白板工具 |
https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw |
02:19 |
starry night|开源代码语法高亮库 |
https://github.com/wooorm/starry-night |
02:48 |
PostgreSQL 发布了 16 版本 |
https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/postgresql-16-released-2715 |
03:14 |
Trickle|一款基于 AI 的图片信息管理软件 |
https://www.trickle.so/ |
03:48 |
Vercel 发布 AI 功能 v0.dev |
https://twitter.com/vercel/status/1702351846445080953 |
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00:09 |
Open Interpreter|本地 AI 助手 |
https://github.com/KillianLucas/open-interpreter |
00:42 |
chartbrew| 开源数据可视化 Web 应用 |
https://github.com/chartbrew/chartbrew |
01:11 |
RecipeUI 团队开发提升 API 开发体验的同名工具 |
https://github.com/RecipeUI/RecipeUI |
01:46 |
Keep|告警管理与自动化平台 |
https://github.com/keephq/keep |
02:19 |
Ddosify|开源可观测性项目 |
https://github.com/ddosify/alaz |
02:48 |
textual 发布实验性项目 textual-web |
https://github.com/Textualize/textual-web |
03:14 |
Web 框架 Astro 发布了 3.0 版本 |
https://astro.build/blog/astro-3/ |
03:48 |
Watlings|用来学习 WebAssembly 的项目 |
https://github.com/EmNudge/watlings |
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00:09 |
Lightning CSS|CSS 解析转换打包压缩工具 |
https://lightningcss.dev/ |
00:49 |
SQLedge|基于 PostgreSQL 逻辑复制的边缘计算数据库 |
https://github.com/zknill/sqledge |
01:31 |
Compress|将打字工作量减少一半的工具 |
https://github.com/eschluntz/compress |
02:04 |
n8n|开源工作流自动化工具 |
https://n8n.io/ |
02:40 |
dataherald|结构化数据查询引擎 |
https://github.com/Dataherald/dataherald |
03:15 |
在 Excel 中使用 Python |
https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/22/23841167/microsoft-excel-python-integration-support |
03:56 |
Meta 发布了 Code Llama |
https://about.fb.com/news/2023/08/code-llama-ai-for-coding/ |
04:20 |
OpenAI 开放 GPT-3.5 Turbo 模型微调功能 |
https://openai.com/blog/gpt-3-5-turbo-fine-tuning-and-api-updates |
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00:09 |
LottieLab| 协同 Lottie 动画创作工具 |
https://www.lottielab.com/ |
00:32 |
servicer| 轻量级 systemd 服务管理工具 |
https://servicer.dev/ |
01:05 |
gRPCurl|和 gRPC 服务器进行交互的 CLI 工具 |
https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl |
01:34 |
Opendream|像使用 Photoshop 一样使用 Diffusion AI |
https://github.com/varunshenoy/opendream |
02:00 |
Retake|PostgreSQL 向量数据库解决方案 |
https://www.getretake.com/ |
02:33 |
Logto|Auth0 的开源替代品 |
https://github.com/logto-io/logto |
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00:10 |
deno_python|Deno 中调用 Python 模块 |
https://github.com/denosaurs/deno_python |
00:58 |
Postgres Language Server|为 Postgres 数据库提供语言服务协议支持 |
https://github.com/supabase/postgres_lsp |
01:28 |
Pigsty|开源 RDS 替代方案 |
https://github.com/Vonng/pigsty |
02:10 |
Applite| Mac 应用管理工具 |
https://github.com/milanvarady/applite |
02:48 |
Dioxus|Rust 编写的跨平台 GUI 框架 |
https://github.com/DioxusLabs/dioxus |
03:23 |
katana| Go 编写的内容抓取框架 |
https://github.com/projectdiscovery/katana |
04:03 |
缅怀 Vim 之父 |
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00:09 |
Bloomberg 开源高性能消息队列 BlazingMQ |
https://bloomberg.github.io/blazingmq/ |
00:37 |
开源列式数据库 Hydra 发布 1.0 版本 |
https://www.hydra.so/ |
01:22 |
PythonMonkey|实现 Python 与 JavaScript 的互操作性 |
https://medium.com/@willkantorpringle/pythonmonkey-javascript-wasm-interop-in-python-using-spidermonkey-bindings-4a8efce2e598 |
01:44 |
gonew|Go 语言新工具 |
https://go.dev/blog/gonew |
02:13 |
一篇介绍内存泄漏的文章? |
https://v8.dev/blog/speeding-up-v8-heap-snapshots |
02:54 |
一周 AI 小结 |
https://about.fb.com/news/2023/08/audiocraft-generative-ai-for-music-and-audio https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-deepmind-rt2-robotics-vla-model/ https://www.prettypolly.app/ |
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00:09 |
Vegeta| HTTP API 性能测试工具 |
https://github.com/tsenart/vegeta |
00:36 |
PgCat|PostgreSQL 连接池管理器 |
https://github.com/postgresml/pgcat |
01:06 |
Hono|面向边缘场景设计的 Web 框架 |
https://hono.dev/ |
01:40 |
Risor|用于 Go 项目的的嵌入式脚本语言 |
https://risor.io/ |
02:10 |
Croner|基于 JavaScript 编写的定时编排工具 |
https://github.com/Hexagon/croner |
02:38 |
一周 AI 小结 |
https://stability.ai/blog/stable-diffusion-sdxl-1-announcement https://stability.ai/blog/stable-beluga-large-instruction-fine-tuned-models https://github.com/continuedev/continue https://the-decoder.com/ai-researcher-geoffrey-hinton-thinks-ai-has-or-will-have-emotions |
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00:09 |
TUI Grid| 一个功能强大的数据表格库 |
https://ui.toast.com/tui-grid |
00:35 |
Eruda|浏览器调试工具模拟器 |
https://github.com/liriliri/eruda |
00:56 |
Docuseal|电子签名 DocuSign 的开源替代品 |
https://github.com/docusealco/docuseal |
01:23 |
Wordpress 发布 Wordpress Playground |
https://wordpress.github.io/wordpress-playground/ |
01:54 |
OrioleDB| 新的 PostgreSQL 存储引擎 |
https://www.orioledata.com/blog/no-more-vacuum-in-postgresql/ |
02:26 |
一周 AI 小结 |
https://ai.meta.com/llama/ https://openai.com/blog/custom-instructions-for-chatgpt https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.09009.pdf https://microsoft.github.io/TypeChat/blog/introducing-typechat/ |
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00:09 |
Vizzu|开源的数据可视化动画库 |
https://lib.vizzuhq.com/ https://lib.vizzuhq.com/latest/showcases/ |
00:33 |
Workout|开源健身小程序 |
https://workout.lol/ |
00:59 |
Immich|基于 Flutter 的在线相册应用 |
https://github.com/immich-app/immich |
01:23 |
OpenCost|K8s 成本测量工具 |
https://www.opencost.io/ |
01:45 |
Digger|Terraform Cloud 的开源替代品 |
https://digger.dev/ |
02:12 |
一周 AI 小结 |
https://www.anthropic.com/index/claude-2 https://stability.ai/blog/clipdrop-launches-stable-doodle https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/google-ceo-sounds-alarm-ai-deepfake-videos-can-cause-lot-harm https://www.wired.co.uk/article/mission-impossible-dead-reckoning-ai-villain https://x.ai/ |
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00:10 |
Watermill|Go 的事件驱动开发框架 |
https://github.com/ThreeDotsLabs/watermill |
00:34 |
BlockSuite|通用协同编辑器 |
https://blocksuite.affine.pro/ |
01:06 |
Columnar|高性能列式存储引擎 |
https://github.com/kelindar/column |
01:32 |
Kine|使用 SQL 数据库运行 k8s |
https://github.com/k3s-io/kine |
02:00 |
基于 Three.js 的 3D 解密小游戏 |
https://www.thomasfriday.com/cuboid/ |
02:11 |
一周 AI 小结 |
https://twitter.com/OpenAI/status/1677029947544838144 https://twitter.com/OpenAI/status/1676072388436594688 https://twitter.com/openai/status/1677015057316872192 https://wccftech.com/inflection-ai-develops-supercomputer-equipped-with-22000-nvidia-h100-ai-gpus https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer |
时间轴 |
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00:09 |
Tabserve| 一个反向代理工具 |
https://tabserve.dev/ |
00:49 |
ReadySet|轻量级数据库缓存 |
https://github.com/readysettech/readyset |
01:32 |
Refine|更好的 React 开发框架 |
https://github.com/refinedev/refine |
02:05 |
1-Panel|开源 Linux 服务器运维管理面板 |
https://github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel |
02:29 |
在 Go 程序中实现插件系统 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRT36VqpljA |
02:47 |
本周 AI 小结 |
https://about.sourcegraph.com/cody https://github.com/ChaoningZhang/MobileSAM https://github.com/imgly/background-removal-js |
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00:10 |
DevPod|开源 codespaces 替代品 |
https://devpod.sh/ |
00:37 |
Sketch Systems|UI 原型工具创新 |
https://sketch.systems/ |
01:06 |
GoAWK|Go 的 AWK 语言解释器 |
https://benhoyt.com/writings/goawk/ |
01:24 |
Selecto.js|一个区域选择的 UI 组件 |
https://daybrush.com/selecto/ https://github.com/daybrush |
01:49 |
Svelte 发布了 v4 版本 |
https://svelte.dev/blog/svelte-4 |
02:11 |
本周 AI 小结 |
https://vercel.com/blog/introducing-the-vercel-ai-sdk https://github.com/steven-tey/novel https://github.com/bentoml/OpenLLM |
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00:10 |
OpenObserve|轻量级可观测性工具 |
https://github.com/openobserve/openobserve |
00:43 |
Arroyo|云原生流处理引擎 |
https://www.arroyo.dev/ |
01:14 |
Kera|基于 Web 的桌面端扩展框架 |
https://desktop.kerahq.com/ |
01:34 |
SeaweedFS|分布式文件系统 |
https://github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs |
02:03 |
codespelunker|命令行代码搜索工具 |
https://github.com/boyter/cs |
02:24 |
本周 AI 小结 |
https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/1827 https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/12/meta-open-sources-an-ai-powered-music-generator https://github.com/baichuan-inc/baichuan-7B https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-economic-potential-of-generative-ai-the-next-productivity-frontier |
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00:09 |
Mercury|Jupyter notebook 快速变为 web app |
https://runmercury.com/ |
00:39 |
Autocomplete|Algolia 开源前端 UI 组件 |
https://github.com/algolia/autocomplete |
01:00 |
polywasm|前 Figma CTO、esbuild 发起者开源的新研究项目 |
https://github.com/evanw/polywasm |
01:33 |
Dufs| 一个轻量级文件服务器 |
https://github.com/sigoden/dufs |
01:56 |
Apple 发布头显设备 Apple Vision Pro |
https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/06/introducing-apple-vision-pro |
02:12 |
一周 AI 小结 |
https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/gpt-best-practices/strategy-provide-reference-text https://www.deepmind.com/blog/alphadev-discovers-faster-sorting-algorithms https://supabase.com/vector https://maketafi.com/ai |
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00:09 |
Lance|面向机器学习设计的列式数据结构 |
https://github.com/lancedb/lance |
00:42 |
Trogan|Textualize 社区的新项目 |
https://github.com/Textualize/trogon |
01:16 |
Plane| 开源 Jira 替代品 |
https://github.com/makeplane/plane |
01:49 |
CSS Pro|CSS 编辑解决方案 |
https://csspro.com/ |
02:23 |
Logicboard| 一个在线编程工具 |
https://logicboard.com/demo https://logicboard.com/demo/:replay |
02:42 |
AI 小结 |
https://www.tii.ae/news/uaes-falcon-40b-now-royalty-free https://technomancers.ai/japan-goes-all-in-copyright-doesnt-apply-to-ai-training https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/30/23742123/nvidia-stock-ai-gpu-1-trillion-market-cap-price-value https://www.opera.com/zh-cn/one |
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00:09 |
DeviceScript|微软开源 IoT 设备开发框架 |
https://microsoft.github.io/devicescript/ |
00:41 |
ls-lint|基于 Go 的文件目录与文件名 lint 工具 |
https://github.com/loeffel-io/ls-lint |
01:04 |
DB-GPT|SQLChat 的开源替代品 |
https://github.com/csunny/DB-GPT |
01:34 |
progress|查看 Linux 命令执行进度 |
https://github.com/Xfennec/progress |
02:02 |
Paypal 开源数据库 JunoDB 并发表介绍博客 |
https://medium.com/paypal-tech/unlocking-the-power-of-junodb-paypals-key-value-store-goes-open-source-ee85f935bdc1 https://github.com/paypal/junodb |
02:23 |
本周 AI 小结 |
https://twitter.com/rowancheung/status/1661356887651020802 |
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00:09 |
Windmill|低代码 + serverless = ? |
https://github.com/windmill-labs/windmill |
00:42 |
Supabase 为文档/集成与 ChatGPT 类似的问答搜索体验 |
https://supabase.com/blog/openai-embeddings-postgres-vector |
01:13 |
Bytebase 发布了 2.0 版本 |
https://www.bytebase.com/blog/bytebase-2-0/ |
01:33 |
Bun /本周发布新版本 v0.6 |
https://bun.sh/blog/bun-bundler |
02:11 |
pprof|WebAssembly 性能分析工具 |
https://blog.stealthrocket.tech/performance-in-the-spotlight-webassembly-profiling-for-everyone/ |
02:43 |
AI 一周概述 |
https://twitter.com/rowancheung/status/1659650892071616512 |
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00:09 |
Claude|支持十万 token 的 AI 对话模型 |
https://www.anthropic.com/index/100k-context-windows |
00:49 |
Dolt|包含版本控制功能的 SQL 数据库 |
https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2023-05-05-dolt-1-dot-0/ |
01:24 |
Qdrant|基于 Rust 的向量数据库 |
https://github.com/qdrant/qdrant https://www.pinecone.io/learn/vector-database |
01:58 |
Syncthing|文件持续同步工具 |
https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing |
02:25 |
Fir| 为 Go 开发者设计的 Web UI 开发框架 |
https://livefir.fly.dev/ |
02:50 |
Tamagui|React Native 优化编译器 |
https://tamagui.dev/blog/version-one |
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00:09 |
Mojo|面向 AI 的编程语言 |
https://www.modular.com/mojo |
00:51 |
Replit 发布大语言模型 replit-code-v1-3b |
https://www.latent.space/p/reza-shabani#details https://huggingface.co/spaces/replit/replit-code-v1-3b-demo |
01:15 |
Fakespot|Mozilla 收购新动向 |
https://www.fakespot.com/ |
01:52 |
lagon|基于 V8 的开源 serverless 平台 |
https://lagon.app/ |
02:39 |
Qwik 发布 v1.0 版本 |
https://www.builder.io/blog/qwik-v1 |
03:07 |
Frogmouth|开源命令行 Markdown 浏览器 |
https://github.com/Textualize/frogmouth |
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00:09 |
Encore|端到端后端开发平台 |
https://encore.dev/ |
00:44 |
Databerry|无代码训练自己的 ChatGPT 机器人 |
https://www.databerry.ai/ |
01:10 |
Babylon.JS 6.0 发布超强物理引擎 |
https://babylonjs.medium.com/announcing-babylon-js-6-0-dcb5f1662e3a |
01:48 |
Linen|将 Slack 和 Discord 对话转换为 Web 页 |
https://www.linen.dev/ |
02:13 |
Bullet Train|为 SaaS 开发者提供开箱即用开发框架 |
https://bullettrain.co/ |
02:46 |
一篇关于 PostgreSQL 的博客 |
https://philbooth.me/blog/nine-ways-to-shoot-yourself-in-the-foot-with-postgresql |
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00:09 |
Evidence|轻量灵活的 BI 工具 |
https://evidence.dev/ |
00:36 |
Uptrace| 一个开源的 APM 服务 |
https://github.com/uptrace/uptrace |
01:09 |
Supavisor|高性能数据库连接池 |
https://github.com/supabase/supavisor |
01:33 |
Edge Runtime|开源函数服务框架 |
https://supabase.com/blog/edge-runtime-self-hosted-deno-functions |
02:02 |
SQL Chat|AI 数据库查询工具 |
https://www.sqlchat.ai/ |
02:34 |
一篇介绍负载均衡基本概念和实现方法的博客 |
https://samwho.dev/load-balancing |
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00:10 |
Phind|面向开发者的 AI 搜索引擎 |
https://www.phind.com/ |
00:38 |
Sniffnet|跨平台网络监测工具 |
https://github.com/GyulyVGC/sniffnet |
01:05 |
Code Hike|交互式代码文档 |
https://github.com/code-hike/codehike |
01:27 |
Auto-GPT| 让 AI 产出提示语 |
https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT |
02:02 |
https://www.futurepedia.io/ |
02:26 |
有趣的人体键盘 |
https://github.com/everythingishacked/Semaphore |
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00:10 |
Meta 发布图像识别新模型 |
https://github.com/facebookresearch/segment-anything |
00:41 |
Twitter 开源推荐算法 |
https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/topics/open-source/2023/twitter-recommendation-algorithm |
01:06 |
Arroyo|Rust 编写流式计算引擎 |
https://github.com/ArroyoSystems/arroyo |
01:38 |
openplayground|Github CEO 发起的 AI playground 项目 |
https://github.com/nat/openplayground |
02:00 |
Quadratic|一个有创意的数据工具 |
https://www.quadratichq.com/ |
02:23 |
Midjourney 与 Adobe Firefly 对比引发对版权关注 |
https://twitter.com/DrJimFan/status/1642921475849203712 |
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00:09 |
Cursor|在编辑器中和 AI 结对编程 |
https://github.com/getcursor/cursor |
00:39 |
SwissTable|高性能 Go 哈希表 |
https://www.dolthub.com/blog/2023-03-28-swiss-map/ |
01:09 |
Sidekick|训练自己的数据 AI 模型 |
https://www.getsidekick.ai/ |
01:37 |
Convoy|聚焦 Webhook Gateway 的服务端中间件 |
https://getconvoy.io/ |
02:08 |
Notesnook|专注于隐私和易用性的笔记软件 |
https://github.com/streetwriters/notesnook |
02:29 |
React 团队介绍 React Lab 研究进展 |
https://react.dev/blog/2023/03/22/react-labs-what-we-have-been-working-on-march-2023 |
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00:09 |
ChatGPT 发布插件能力 |
https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plugins |
00:43 |
Adobe 推出 AI 创意工具 |
https://www.adobe.com/sensei/generative-ai/firefly.html |
01:12 |
DataPane|数据科学家和分析师的平台 |
https://datapane.com/ |
01:34 |
pg_activity|交互式命令行工具 |
https://github.com/dalibo/pg_activity |
01:59 |
PlayWright 推出新的 UI 模式 |
https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/releases/tag/v1.32.0 |
02:22 |
Typst|功能强大使用便捷的排版系统 |
https://github.com/typst/typst |
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00:09 |
GPT-4 发布 |
https://openai.com/research/gpt-4 |
00:43 |
Transformer.js|在浏览器中运行 Transformer 模型 |
https://xenova.github.io/transformers.js/ |
01:09 |
FlameScope|Netflix 开源的性能可视化分析工具 |
https://github.com/Netflix/flamescope https://blog.felixge.de/flamescope-for-go/ |
01:35 |
Miller|命令行重度使用者的瑞士军刀 |
https://github.com/johnkerl/miller |
01:55 |
Scale|Wasm 跨语言运行时 |
https://scale.sh/ |
02:16 |
代码编辑器 Zed 进入 Beta 阶段 |
https://zed.dev/ |
02:41 |
tremor|开发概览类视图的 React UI 库 |
https://www.tremor.so/ |
02:57 |
React 新官网上线 |
https://react.dev/ |
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00:10 |
FormKit|Vue 全功能表单框架 |
https://formkit.com/ |
00:31 |
PgTyped|从 SQL 语句中推断 Typescript 类型 |
https://github.com/adelsz/pgtyped |
00:57 |
Flux|软件定义键盘 |
https://fluxkeyboard.com/ |
01:20 |
lightdash|轻量级的 BI 工具 |
https://github.com/lightdash/lightdash |
01:36 |
OpenDAL|开源通用数据接入层 |
https://github.com/datafuselabs/opendal |
01:55 |
ZincSearch|ElasticSearch 的轻量级替代品 |
https://github.com/zinclabs/zincsearch |
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00:10 |
Google 发布新编程框架 Service Weaver |
https://opensource.googleblog.com/2023/03/introducing-service-weaver-framework-for-writing-distributed-applications.html |
00:44 |
Remult|快速 CRUD 框架 |
https://github.com/remult/remult |
01:16 |
Typescript 发布 5.0 候选版本 |
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-0-rc/ |
01:38 |
ChatGPT 官方 API 出炉 |
https://openai.com/blog/introducing-chatgpt-and-whisper-apis |
02:04 |
Mathesar| 开源 Postgres 数据库 GUI 管理工具 |
https://github.com/centerofci/mathesar |
02:24 |
Unfolder|将3D 模型生成折纸零件图纸的工具 |
https://www.unfolder.app/ |
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00:10 |
Noya|新一代设计工具 |
https://www.noya.io/ |
00:40 |
Highlight|开源 Web 应用监控方案 |
https://www.highlight.io/ |
01:01 |
Faro| Grafana 开源的 Web 前端可观测性工具 |
https://grafana.com/oss/faro/ |
01:23 |
Laudspeaker|开源的客户旅程自动化平台 |
https://laudspeaker.com/ |
01:43 |
Infinite Storage Glitch|将视频网站变为免费网盘 |
https://github.com/DvorakDwarf/Infinite-Storage-Glitch |
02:10 |
AI Commits|自动生成 commit message 工具 |
https://github.com/Nutlope/aicommits |
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00:09 |
Alist|一个开源的文件管理程序 |
https://alist.nn.ci/ |
00:31 |
Helm Dashboard|可视化应用管理工具 |
https://github.com/komodorio/helm-dashboard |
00:51 |
Rerun| 记录计算机视觉执行过程的 SDK |
https://www.rerun.io/ |
01:12 |
Sloth| Mac GUI 应用 |
https://github.com/sveinbjornt/Sloth |
01:35 |
Bright |代码片段展示工具 |
https://bright.codehike.org/ |
02:04 |
著名作者讲解 xxxxxxx工作原理 |
https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/02/what-is-chatgpt-doing-and-why-does-it-work/ |
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00:09 |
Nango|开箱即用 OAuth 解决方案 |
https://www.nango.dev/ |
00:32 |
yq|多种文件格式解析器 |
https://github.com/mikefarah/yq |
00:53 |
PhotoPrism|一款照片管理程序 |
https://www.photoprism.app/ |
01:14 |
grep app| 一个代码搜索平台 |
https://grep.app/ |
01:32 |
enrolla|开源 feature flag 管理平台 |
https://www.enrolla.io/ |
01:52 |
Notion 风格的富文本编辑器 |
https://github.com/YousefED/BlockNote |
02:13 |
Universal Summarizer|搜索引擎 Kagi 推出新技术 |
https://labs.kagi.com/ai/sum |
02:37 |
React.JS 纪录片 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pDqJVdNa44 |
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00:09 |
CRDT 协同算法库 Automerge 发布 2.0 版本 |
https://automerge.org/blog/automerge-2 |
00:41 |
Carbonyl|终端中运行浏览器 |
https://fathy.fr/carbonyl |
01:13 |
Netlify 收购 Gatsby |
https://www.netlify.com/press/netlify-acquires-gatsby-inc-to-accelerate-adoption-of-composable-web-architectures/#main |
01:52 |
Same Energy|视觉搜索引擎 |
https://same.energy/search?i=xmCt |
02:07 |
DIY 空气质量检测仪 |
https://www.airgradient.com/open-airgradient/instructions/diy-pro-v37/ |
02:31 |
Hashicorp 开源文档管理系统 Hermes |
https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/introducing-hermes-an-open-source-document-management-system |
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00:10 |
一组可复用的 UI 组件 |
https://github.com/shadcn/ui |
00:49 |
WebTTY|基于 WebRTC 分享终端会话 |
https://github.com/maxmcd/webtty |
01:18 |
bob|面向微服务场景的打包工具 |
https://bob.build/ |
01:51 |
Automatisch|自动化工作流工具 |
https://automatisch.io/ |
02:22 |
libSQL 博客介绍通过网络访问 SQLite |
https://blog.chiselstrike.com/sqlite-based-databases-on-the-postgres-protocol-yes-we-can-358e61171d65 |
03:02 |
轻松一刻时间:小游戏 Summer Afternoon |
https://summer-afternoon.vlucendo.com/ |
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00:09 |
Temporal|持久化工作流平台 |
https://temporal.io/ |
00:43 |
AirByte|数据 ETL 工具 |
https://airbyte.com/ |
01:20 |
Rough Notation| |
https://roughnotation.com/ |
01:42 |
barba.js|页面间动效库 |
https://barba.js.org/ |
02:10 |
Vento|可纠错的录屏工具 |
https://vento.so/ |
02:36 |
Cal.com|日程管理工具 |
https://cal.com/ |
02:53 |
2小时开发 GPT 模型 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCc8FmEb1nY |
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00:10 |
val.town|简单有趣的 serverless 平台 |
https://www.val.town/ |
00:43 |
CDC File Transfer| Google 开源文件同步工具 |
https://github.com/google/cdc-file-transfer |
01:13 |
just| 使用 Rust 开发的命令行工具 |
https://github.com/casey/just |
01:37 |
Rath|自动化数据探索工具 |
https://github.com/Kanaries/rath https://github.com/Kanaries/graphic-walker |
02:08 |
pinggy|将本地的服务对公网提供访问工具 |
https://pinggy.io/ |
02:33 |
State of JS 发布年度开发者问卷结果 |
https://2022.stateofjs.com/ |
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00:09 |
clickhouse 发布数据分析工具 clickhouse-local |
https://clickhouse.com/blog/extracting-converting-querying-local-files-with-sql-clickhouse-local |
00:51 |
ov| 一个通用终端分页器 |
https://github.com/noborus/ov |
01:25 |
Vim online editor|使用 WebAssembly 运行 Vim |
https://www.vimonlineeditor.com/ |
01:52 |
使用 HTTP/3 连接 MySQL |
https://planetscale.com/blog/faster-mysql-with-http3 |
02:48 |
polars| 高性能 Rust DataFrame 库 |
https://github.com/pola-rs/polars |
03:29 |
uiverse|UI 组件库 |
https://uiverse.io/ |
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00:11 |
APITable|新开源的 Airtable 替代品 |
https://github.com/apitable/apitable |
00:40 |
CDN Up and Running|从零学习开发 CDN |
https://github.com/leandromoreira/cdn-up-and-running |
01:13 |
Comprehensive Rust|Google 内部 Rust 教程 |
https://github.com/google/comprehensive-rust |
01:41 |
OSV-Scanner|查找代码依赖中的安全漏洞 |
https://github.com/google/osv-scanner |
02:09 |
Hubble|Github star 管理工具 |
https://hubble.monsterx.xyz/ |
02:29 |
一篇 serverless 数据库对比的博客 |
https://fauna.com/blog/comparison-of-serverless-databases |
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00:11 |
Obsidian Canvas 发布 |
https://obsidian.md/canvas |
00:35 |
Jitsi|开源免费的视频会议服务 |
https://jitsi.org/ |
00:59 |
Infisical |安全地传递密钥等隐私数据的工具 |
https://github.com/Infisical/infisical |
01:23 |
一周末复刻赛伯朋克中的语音识别 |
https://github.com/elanmart/cbp-translate |
01:56 |
Winglang |面向云计算的开发语言 |
https://www.winglang.io/ |
02:21 |
一篇文章介绍如何在 1 毫秒内搜索37 GB 文本的文章 |
https://death.andgravity.com/pwned |
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00:11 |
Codon|高性能 Python 编译器 |
https://github.com/exaloop/codon |
00:38 |
CLI Exercises|Linux 文本处理技巧 |
https://github.com/learnbyexample/TUI-apps/tree/main/CLI-Exercises |
00:58 |
关于 ChatGPT 是如何工作的讨论和解读 |
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33939805 https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/ |
01:16 |
Reader|集多种信息源于一体的阅读工具 |
https://readwise.io/read |
01:39 |
在命令行中渲染 Markdown |
https://github.com/charmbracelet/glow |
02:04 |
一篇关于Query Planner 工作方式的博客 |
https://planetscale.com/blog/what-is-a-query-planner |
02:24 |
类似 Wordle 的中文字谜小游戏 |
https://hanzi.gg/ |
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00:09 |
Pynecone|Python 全栈 Web 开发方案 |
https://github.com/pynecone-io/pynecone |
00:41 |
daedalOS|浏览器中运行桌面环境 |
https://github.com/DustinBrett/daedalOS |
01:02 |
Uptime Kuma|轻量级网站监控方案 |
https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma |
01:28 |
Codux|可视化 React 组件 IDE |
https://www.codux.com/ |
01:57 |
Vite 发布 4.0 大版本 |
https://vitejs.dev/blog/announcing-vite4.html |
02:31 |
Blockbench|创建 low-poly 视觉风格的3D 模型编辑器 |
https://github.com/JannisX11/blockbench |
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00:09 |
OpenAI 开放 ChatGPT 模型 |
https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/ |
00:39 |
Google 推出安全编程语言 Rune |
https://github.com/google/rune |
01:03 |
Kubeshark|k8s 流量观测工具 |
https://github.com/kubeshark/kubeshark |
01:28 |
cheat.sh|技术小抄集合 |
https://github.com/chubin/cheat.sh |
01:50 |
go-coffeeshop|GO 的微服务示例 |
https://github.com/thangchung/go-coffeeshop |
02:09 |
NLP 在线课程 |
https://www.nlpdemystified.org/ |
02:25 |
《Sql for Devs》|数据库详解电子书 |
https://sqlfordevs.com/ebook |
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00:09 |
Script Kit|面向开发者的自动化工具, |
https://www.scriptkit.com/ |
00:27 |
D2|开源声明式绘图语言 |
https://d2lang.com/ |
00:51 |
Superset|开源数据可视化平台 |
https://superset.apache.org/ |
01:10 |
Stable Diffusion 发布2.0版本 |
https://stability.ai/blog/stable-diffusion-v2-release |
01:39 |
蚂蚁 UI 组件库 Ant Design 发布 V5 版本 |
https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/38671 |
01:58 |
《命令行的艺术》项目 |
https://github.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line |
02:20 |
Diátaxis|帮助创作技术文档的写作框架 |
https://diataxis.fr/ |
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00:10 |
Redpanda|与 Kafka PAI 兼容的流式数据平台 |
https://redpanda.com/ |
00:39 |
Autocut|通过字幕剪切视频的工具 |
https://github.com/mli/autocut |
01:03 |
Sapling|Meta 大规模代码管理方案 |
https://engineering.fb.com/2022/11/15/open-source/sapling-source-control-scalable |
01:28 |
Greptime|分布式时序数据库 |
https://github.com/GreptimeTeam/greptimedb |
02:01 |
COZO|事务型关系嵌入式数据库 |
https://github.com/cozodb/cozo |
02:25 |
Mathics|Mathematica 开源替代品 |
https://mathics.org/ |
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00:09 |
Github Next| GitHub 下一代功能 |
https://blocks.githubnext.com/ |
00:35 |
podman desktop|可视化容器与 K8s 管理工具 |
https://podman-desktop.io/ |
00:55 |
Docker 支持 Webassembly |
https://www.docker.com/blog/docker-wasm-technical-preview/ |
01:22 |
Rome 发布第一个稳定版本 Rome v10 |
https://rome.tools/blog/2022/11/08/rome-10/ |
01:45 |
Blessed|Rust 教程 |
https://blessed.rs/crates |
02:08 |
Pickcode|新式代码教学工具 |
https://app.pickcode.io/course/hoc-ad-libs-chatbot |
02:30 |
.Net 发布了新版本 .Net7 |
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-dotnet-7/ |
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00:09 |
phlare|GrafanaLabs推出持续性能分析平台Phlare |
https://github.com/grafana/phlare |
00:38 |
PostgreSQL提供图查询能力插件ApacheAGE |
https://age.apache.org/ |
00:56 |
JC|命令结果转JSON工具JC |
https://github.com/kellyjonbrazil/jc |
01:35 |
shell中history命令全新实现(多设备共享历史命令) |
https://github.com/ddworken/hishtory |
01:56 |
ffmpeg|过滤器图形化工具 |
https://ffmpeg.guide/ |
02:14 |
turbopack速度10倍于vite?尤雨溪发文反击 |
https://github.com/yyx990803/vite-vs-next-turbo-hmr/discussions/8 |
02:41 |
Heroku免费替代品 |
https://github.com/Engagespot/heroku-free-alternatives |
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00:09 |
Vercel 推出 webpack 替代品 |
https://vercel.com/blog/turbopack |
00:50 |
Python 发布新版本 |
https://discuss.python.org/t/python-3-11-0-final-is-now-available/20291 |
01:04 |
轻量级搜索引擎 Sonic |
https://github.com/valeriansaliou/sonic |
01:30 |
Answer|SegmentFault 开源的知识类库 |
https://answer.dev/ |
01:51 |
openvim| 交互式的 Vim 教程 |
https://www.openvim.com/ |
02:07 |
Bolt.css| HTML 的样式表 |
https://boltcss.com/ |
02:33 |
Starter Tab|自定义主页工具 |
https://startertab.com/ |
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00:09 |
Tabby|用 web 开发的现代化终端 |
https://github.com/Eugeny/tabby |
00:41 |
用 Github Page 部署 SQLite 数据库 |
https://phiresky.github.io/blog/2021/hosting-sqlite-databases-on-github-pages/ |
01:15 |
stlite|Streamlit 的 serverless 版本 |
https://edit.share.stlite.net/ |
01:54 |
TypeRunner| 高性能 TypeScript 编译器 |
https://github.com/marcj/TypeRunner |
02:30 |
Linen| Slack 替代品 |
https://github.com/Linen-dev/linen.dev |
02:56 |
Replit Mobile App| 手机编程 App |
https://blog.replit.com/mobile-app |
03:27 |
Koala 频道观众贡献的2个 Hacker News 周报检索项目 |
https://github.com/ZutJoe/Koala_hacker_news https://tmmap.lipanpanx.com/public/others/Koala%E8%81%8A%E5%BC%80%E6%BA%90.html https://mmap.lipanpanx.com/public/others/Koala%E8%81%8A%E5%BC%80%E6%BA%90.html |
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00:10 |
Obsidian 发布 1.0 |
https://obsidian.md/1.0 |
00:28 |
NocoDB| Airtable 开源替代品 |
https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb |
00:47 |
通过代码编辑视频 |
https://github.com/mifi |
01:10 |
Satori| 从 HTML 生成 SVG |
https://github.com/vercel/satori |
01:37 |
aerc|在命令行中编辑视频与收发邮件 |
https://aerc-mail.org/ |
01:54 |
Fleet|Jet Brains 新一代 IDE |
https://www.jetbrains.com/fleet/ |
02:18 |
Go 语言设计讨论 |
https://github.com/golang/go/discussions/56010 |
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00:09 |
sharing|将电脑中的文件通过二维码分享给手机 |
https://github.com/parvardegr/sharing |
00:31 |
Steampipe| 浏览云服务资产的交互式命令行工具 |
https://steampipe.io/ |
00:54 |
Horizon UI| 基于 Chakra UI 的管理后台模版 |
https://horizon-ui.com/ |
01:16 |
Postgres WASM| 开源 WASM 运行 PostgresSQL 方案 |
https://supabase.com/blog/postgres-wasm |
01:50 |
v86| 通过 WebAssembly 运行 x86 兼容的虚拟机 |
https://github.com/copy/v86 |
02:06 |
libSQL| SQLite 下游版本 |
https://github.com/libsql/libsql https://itnext.io/sqlite-qemu-all-over-again-aedad19c9a1c |
02:38 |
TypeScript 10 years anniversary |
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/ten-years-of-typescript/ |
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00:09 |
SigNoz|开源的 APM 系统 |
https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz |
00:35 |
Wails|使用 Go 和 Web 技术开发桌面端应用 |
https://wails.io/ |
00:58 |
CloudFlare 开源 serverless 运行时 workerd |
https://github.com/cloudflare/workerd |
01:33 |
Qwik|builder.io 开源的前端框架 |
https://qwik.builder.io/ |
02:02 |
pdfgrep|命令行搜索工具 |
https://pdfgrep.org/ |
02:16 |
Liqe|轻量级搜索引擎 |
https://github.com/gajus/liqe |
02:31 |
Google 计划关停云游戏服务 Stadia |
https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/29/23378713/google-stadia-shutting-down-game-streaming-january-2023 |
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00:09 |
GitUI|Git 终端 UI |
https://github.com/extrawurst/gitui |
00:35 |
Dub|开源短链接服务 |
https://dub.sh/ |
00:58 |
WunderBase| serverless GraphQL 数据库 |
https://github.com/wundergraph/wunderbase |
01:17 |
Rocketry|现代化的 Python 调度框架 |
https://github.com/Miksus/rocketry |
01:33 |
KREA|AI 作画图库 |
https://www.krea.ai/ |
01:55 |
Whisper| OpenAI 开源的语音识别系统 |
https://openai.com/blog/whisper |
02:15 |
fly.io 开源新项目 LiteFS |
https://fly.io/blog/introducing-litefs |
02:51 |
Azure CTO Mark Russinovich 发推引发热议 |
https://twitter.com/markrussinovich/status/1571995117233504257 |
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00:09 |
Figma 被收购引发在线设计工具新动向 |
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-15/adobe-is-said-to-near-deal-to-buy-online-design-startup-figma |
00:31 |
penpot|开源设计工具因 Figma 变热 |
https://penpot.app/ |
00:46 |
Theatre.js|开源在线动效编辑器 |
https://www.theatrejs.com/ |
01:08 |
Markdoc|交互式 Markdown |
https://markdoc.dev/ |
01:25 |
Meta 将 PyTorch 捐赠给 Linux 基金会 |
https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/blog/welcoming-pytorch-to-the-linux-foundation |
01:37 |
Meta 发布了网页内存泄漏检测工具 MemLab |
https://engineering.fb.com/2022/09/12/open-source/memlab/ |
01:59 |
SafeQL| 校验 SQL 的 ESLint 插件 |
https://safeql.dev/ |
02:14 |
Diffusion Bee|在 M1 Mac 上运行 Stable Diffusion 的桌面端应用 |
https://github.com/divamgupta/diffusionbee-stable-diffusion-ui |
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00:11 |
Difftastic|结构化 diff 工具 |
https://www.wilfred.me.uk/blog/2022/09/06/difftastic-the-fantastic-diff/ |
00:46 |
ruff|百倍快的 Python linter |
https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff |
01:12 |
DataEase|数据可视化分析工具 |
https://github.com/dataease/dataease |
01:36 |
MATHLIVE|展示和编辑数学公式的 Web Component |
https://cortexjs.io/mathlive |
02:03 |
VSCheatsheet|VS Code 快捷键合集 |
https://www.vscheatsheet.com/ |
02:24 |
Modern for Hacker News| 美化 Hacker News 界面的浏览器插件 |
https://www.modernhn.com/ |
02:37 |
signals|PREACT 状态管理新方案 |
https://preactjs.com/blog/introducing-signals/ |
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00:09 |
Devbox|快速启动隔离开发环境 |
https://github.com/jetpack-io/devbox |
00:38 |
绘图语言 D2 |
https://d2-lang.com/tour/intro |
00:52 |
YAO|开发应用引擎 |
https://yaoapps.com/ |
01:20 |
JSON Crack|JSON 可视化工具 |
https://jsoncrack.com/ |
01:42 |
Motionity|动效编辑器 |
https://github.com/alyssaxuu/motionity |
02:02 |
mvSQLite|分布式 SQLite |
https://univalence.me/posts/mvsqlite |
02:37 |
Heroku 即将停止免费额度 |
https://dev.to/lorenzojkrl/bye-bye-heroku-2npi |
03:01 |
GitHub 开发者关系副总裁回复移除 Trending |
https://github.com/community/community/discussions/31644 |
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00:09 |
|野心勃勃的数据库 SurrealDB |
https://surrealdb.com/ |
00:38 |
Stable Diffusion|开源的 AI 图片生成模型 |
https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion |
00:59 |
react-design-editor| Canva 的开源替代品 |
https://github.com/layerhub-io/react-design-editor |
01:24 |
Weylus|将触屏设备变为触摸板 |
https://github.com/H-M-H/Weylus |
01:43 |
eInk-VNC|将 VMC 输出到墨水屏 |
https://zmarshall.nl/static/eink-vnc.html |
02:04 |
SQLite 并发读取性能详解 |
https://fly.io/blog/sqlite-internals-wal |
02:26 |
80 岁计算机科学家仍在优化开源代码 |
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32534173 |
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00:10 |
Numpad |一个新式文本编辑器 |
https://numpad.io/ |
00:34 |
Erg|与 Python 兼容的静态类型语言 |
https://github.com/erg-lang/erg |
00:57 |
分布式文件系统 JuiceFS |
https://github.com/juicedata/juicefs |
01:22 |
JiraCLI| 对 Jira 的命令行客户端 |
https://github.com/ankitpokhrel/jira-cli |
01:33 |
Crunchy Data|在浏览器中运行 Postgres |
https://www.crunchydata.com/blog/learn-postgres-at-the-playground |
01:53 |
JSON5 作者的一篇博客 |
https://aseemk.substack.com/p/ignore-the-f-ing-haters-json5 |
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00:09 |
远程开发方案 Coder |
https://coder.com/ |
00:34 |
高性能 virtual DOM |
https://millionjs.org/ |
01:04 |
Astro 发布了 1.0 版本 |
https://astro.build/blog/astro-1/ |
01:28 |
Multy| 基于 Terraform 的跨云部署框架 |
https://github.com/multycloud/multy |
01:54 |
Rancher 创始团队运营新开源产品 Acorn |
https://acorn.io/ |
02:21 |
一篇介绍 Redis 技术细节的文章 |
https://architecturenotes.co/redis/ |
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00:08 |
开源知识库软件能否替代 Notion |
https://github.com/toeverything/AFFiNE |
00:35 |
Copilot 开源替代品 |
https://github.com/moyix/fauxpilot |
00:52 |
逆向工程工具箱 |
https://github.com/WerWolv/ImHex |
01:08 |
Emery|效率工具 |
https://emery.to/ |
01:24 |
一篇介绍 eBPF 技术的文章 |
https://www.groundcover.com/blog/what-is-ebpf |
01:50 |
用 DALL·E 2 生成 logo 图片的分享文章 |
https://jacobmartins.com/posts/how-i-used-dalle2-to-generate-the-logo-for-octosql/ |
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00:09 |
Blueboat|多功能 serverless JS 运行时 |
https://blueboat.io/ |
00:32 |
languageTool |Grammarly 开源替代品 |
https://languagetool.org/dev |
01:08 |
Publii|桌面端的 CMS 工具 |
https://github.com/GetPublii/Publii |
01:44 |
Virtink| K8s 轻量级虚拟化插件 |
https://github.com/smartxworks/virtink |
02:25 |
Skeleton| 全功能 Svelte UI 组件库 |
https://skeleton.brainandbonesllc.com/ |
02:50 |
K8s 提出了 Gateway 网关 API |
https://www.armosec.io/blog/kubernetes-gateway-api |
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00:11 |
Google 发布新编程语言 Carbon |
https://github.com/carbon-language/carbon-lang |
00:58 |
榫卯| Sunmao |低代码工具开发框架 |
https://github.com/smartxworks/sunmao-ui |
01:40 |
Comcast|模拟弱网环境的工具 |
https://github.com/tylertreat/comcast |
02:36 |
Tweakpane| 一个调节参数的 JS 库 |
https://cocopon.github.io/tweakpane/ |
02:58 |
AI 系统 DALL·E 开放 Beta 测试 |
https://openai.com/blog/dall-e-now-available-in-beta |
03:21 |
一篇关于 Scratch 潜能的文章 |
https://www.bryanbraun.com/2022/07/16/scratch-is-a-big-deal |
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00:12 |
Vite 发布3.0版本 |
https://vitejs.dev/blog/announcing-vite3.html |
00:30 |
VictoriaMetrics|Prometheus 的开源替代品 |
https://victoriametrics.com/products/open-source/ |
01:02 |
对 Bun 和 Node.js 对比实测 |
https://techsparx.com/nodejs/bun/1st-trial.html |
01:49 |
Cleanupphotos|修图工具 |
https://cleanupphotos.com/ |
02:14 |
Vim 在线交互式学习平台 |
https://www.vimified.com/ |
02:36 |
推荐《PostgreSQL 14 Internals》一书 |
https://postgrespro.com/community/books/internals |
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00:09 |
Bun|高性能 JS 运行时 |
https://bun.sh/ |
00:40 |
TAURI|Electron 轻量级替代品 |
https://tauri.app/ |
01:02 |
Felt|在线地图编辑网站 |
https://felt.com/ |
01:19 |
PocketBase| 开源实时后端方案 |
https://pocketbase.io/ |
01:44 |
fuite|自动探测 Web 应用内存泄漏 |
https://github.com/nolanlawson/fuite |
02:05 |
一篇关于 rsync 工作原理的文章 |
https://michael.stapelberg.ch/posts/2022-07-02-rsync-how-does-it-work |
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00:10 |
Pyroscope|性能持续分析工具 |
https://pyroscope.io/ |
00:35 |
daisyUI|前端组件库 |
https://daisyui.com/ |
00:55 |
《数据库必须知道的那些事》 |
https://architecturenotes.co/things-you-should-know-about-databases |
01:21 |
《浏览器是如何工作的》 |
https://web.dev/howbrowserswork/ |
01:49 |
Spark 与 K8s 集成新动向 |
https://www.cncf.io/blog/2022/06/30/why-spark-chooses-volcano-as-built-in-batch-scheduler-on-kubernetes/ |
02:15 |
Raindrop|书签管理小工具 |
https://raindrop.io/ |
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00:09 |
Github AI 代码助手 Copilot 正式发布 |
https://github.blog/2022-06-21-github-copilot-is-generally-available-to-all-developers/ |
00:46 |
Markwhen|绘制时间轴的工具 |
https://markwhen.com/ |
01:01 |
Viddy|现代的 watch 替代品 |
https://github.com/sachaos/viddy |
01:21 |
Elastic UI|Elastic 开源的前端 UI 组件库 |
https://elastic.github.io/eui/#/ |
01:49 |
Avo|构建在 Ruby on Rails 方案之上的应用开发框架 |
https://avohq.io/ |
02:23 |
Unclutter|整理网页的浏览器插件 |
https://unclutter.lindylearn.io/ |
02:43 |
SQLite 发布 SQLite4 设计 |
https://sqlite.org/src4/doc/trunk/www/design.wiki |
03:04 |
Deno 完成 A 轮融资 |
https://deno.com/blog/series-a |
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00:09 |
FRESH|Deno 原生 SSR Web 框架 |
https://fresh.deno.dev/ |
00:34 |
Vitest|基于 vite 的单元测试框架 |
https://cn.vitest.dev/ |
00:55 |
Rulex|新的正则表达式语言 |
https://pomsky-lang.org/ |
01:14 |
Recut|视频剪辑工具 |
https://getrecut.com/ |
01:31 |
moon|构建工具 |
https://moonrepo.dev/ |
01:46 |
一个寻找项目灵感的网站 |
https://mysideproject.rocks/ |
02:01 |
程序员社交新尝试 |
https://connectdome.com/ |
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00:09 |
Knight Lab|用代码更好地讲故事 |
https://knightlab.northwestern.edu/projects/ |
00:30 |
plasmo|浏览器插件开发平台 |
https://www.plasmo.com/ |
00:49 |
Shotcut|开源免费跨平台视频编辑器 |
https://shotcut.org/ |
01:06 |
DEEPKIT|Typescript 高性能框架 |
https://deepkit.io/ |
01:24 |
opensourcealternative.to|查找开源替代品的网站 |
https://www.opensourcealternative.to/ |
01:42 |
untools|一组帮助思考的工具和方法论 |
https://untools.co/ |
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00:09 |
Dragonfly|一个25倍快的 Redis 竞品 |
https://github.com/dragonflydb/dragonfly |
00:50 |
PlantUML|快速编写 UML 图 |
https://plantuml.com/ |
01:12 |
Neon|开源 serverless Postgres 方案 |
https://neon.tech/ |
01:39 |
ROAPI|数据聚合 API |
https://github.com/roapi/roapi |
02:18 |
Tetra|一个全栈框架 |
https://www.tetraframework.com/ |
02:49 |
fd|终端工具 Find 的替代品 |
https://github.com/sharkdp/fd |
03:05 |
svelvet|交互式关系图构建工具 |
https://svelvet.io/docs/basic-usage/ |
03:22 |
ffmpeg buddy|FFmpeg 命令生成工具 |
https://evanhahn.github.io/ffmpeg-buddy/ |
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00:09 |
PikaScript | 超轻量级 Python 引擎 |
https://github.com/pikasTech/pikascript |
00:26 |
bionic-reading 的快速阅读英文插件 |
https://github.com/ansh/bionic-reading |
00:43 |
IndigoStack|MacOS 平台上的本地开发环境 |
https://indigostack.app/ |
01:03 |
TypeScript 发布4.7版本 |
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-4-7/ |
01:20 |
AnimatiSS|一组 CSS 动画合集 |
https://xsgames.co/animatiss |
01:32 |
Arctype| SQL 数据库客户端 |
https://arctype.com/ |
01:47 |
一个有趣的3D 植物生成工具 |
https://plant.jim-fx.com/ |
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00:09 |
Bud | GO 的全栈 web 框架 |
https://github.com/livebud/bud |
00:38 |
Aspect | 可视化开发 React 组件 |
https://aspect.app/ |
00:57 |
在 SQLite 中使用 JSON 和 virtual columns |
https://antonz.org/json-virtual-columns |
01:17 |
Sliderland|一个极简风格的 JS 实验园地 |
https://sliderland.blinry.org/ |
01:39 |
LiveTerm|开发终端风格网站 |
https://liveterm.vercel.app/ |
01:56 |
Datadog 介绍第三代事件存储库 Husky |
https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/engineering/introducing-husky |
02:16 |
Quastor|一个汇集大厂架构分析的专栏频道 |
https://quastor.substack.com/ |
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00:10 |
BoltDB 作者的博客|如何在 fly.io 中使用 SQLite |
https://fly.io/blog/all-in-on-sqlite-litestream |
00:40 |
Litestream| Sqlite 实时复制工具 |
https://github.com/benbjohnson/litestream |
00:49 |
Cloudflare 发布 D1 |
https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-d1/ |
01:21 |
rqlite| 与 D1 相似的开源分布式数据库 |
https://github.com/rqlite/rqlite |
01:33 |
CaskDB|一个 kv 存储引擎的教学工具 |
https://github.com/avinassh/py-caskdb |
01:54 |
CubeDesk|魔方提速工具 |
https://www.cubedesk.io/home |
02:16 |
DFlex |一个适配所有 JS 框架的可拖拽的工具库 |
https://www.dflex.dev/ |
02:30 |
一篇 JS 性能分析指南的文章 |
https://blog.atomrc.dev/p/js-performance-profiling/ |
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00:09 |
Anaconda 发布 PyScript|浏览器中运行 Python |
https://www.anaconda.com/blog/pyscript-python-in-the-browser |
00:37 |
https://jsonhero.io/j/JZw4Wx9Mgj6r/tree |
00:52 |
Spacedrive|本地和云端同在的文件管理器 |
https://www.spacedrive.app/ |
01:10 |
Bash-Oneliner|一个事例仓库 |
https://github.com/onceupon/Bash-Oneliner |
01:23 |
Fig| 与 Warp 类似的终端 |
https://fig.io/ |
01:39 |
nosleep|避免电脑休眠的网页 |
https://nosleep.page/ |
02:00 |
一篇关于 Golang 的文章 |
https://fasterthanli.me/articles/lies-we-tell-ourselves-to-keep-using-golang |
02:21 |
移植到 web 上的《塞尔达传说》 |
https://hoten.cc/blog/porting-zelda-classic-to-the-web |
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00:09 |
Clinic.js| Node.js 性能分析工具 |
https://clinicjs.org/ |
00:25 |
magic-trace|Jane Street 开源的进程监控工具 |
https://github.com/janestreet/magic-trace |
00:49 |
memray|Bloomberg 开源的 Python 性能分析工具 |
https://github.com/bloomberg/memray |
01:12 |
《learn GO with Tests》|练习 GO 的工具书 |
https://quii.gitbook.io/learn-go-with-tests/go-fundamentals/hello-world |
01:31 |
Edge Function|Netlify 新推出的 PaaS 平台 |
https://www.netlify.com/blog/announcing-serverless-compute-with-edge-functions |
01:56 |
workmode|远程工作助手 |
https://workmode.co/ |
02:25 |
pixy|飞行相机 |
https://pixy.com/ |
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00:08 |
一个有用网站的合集 |
https://www.insanelyusefulwebsites.com/ |
00:24 |
一个开源的 web 文本编辑器 |
https://lexical.dev/ |
00:44 |
一个开源的分布式数据库 |
https://ydb.tech/ |
01:11 |
OpenRefine|开源数据清洗工具 |
https://openrefine.org/ |
01:31 |
Node.js 发布18版本 |
https://nodejs.org/en/ |
01:47 |
GO 发表介绍泛型的文章 |
https://go.dev/blog/when-generics |
02:03 |
一个单手键盘 |
https://tipykeyboard.com/en/home/ |
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00:09 |
现代 CLI 大全 |
https://jvns.ca/blog/2022/04/12/a-list-of-new-ish--command-line-tools/ |
00:35 |
bore|基于 Rust 的隧道工具 |
https://github.com/ekzhang/bore |
00:53 |
WeekToDo|本地计划管理工具 |
https://weektodo.me/ |
01:09 |
Zas|专注于 GO 和 Rust 的编辑器 |
https://www.zeditor.app/ |
01:24 |
Pinry|Pinterest 的开源替代品 |
https://docs.getpinry.com/ |
01:45 |
|Deno 推出 FaaS 服务 |
https://deno.com/blog/a-whole-website-in-a-single-js-file |
02:13 |
https://eightcolors.net/ |
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00:11 |
Coolify|自部署 PaaS |
https://coolify.io/ |
00:29 |
warp|现代化终端 |
https://www.warp.dev/ |
00:48 |
redo|开源命令行工具 |
https://github.com/barthr/redo |
00:59 |
MetricFlow|数据仓库管理工具 |
https://transform.co/metricflow/ |
01:15 |
Ruby 增加 WASM 支持 |
https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2022/04/03/ruby-3-2-0-preview1-released |
01:41 |
Rome 发布 Rome Formatter|对标 Prettier |
https://rome.tools/blog/2022/04/05/rome-formatter-release |
02:04 |
一篇博客|TypeScript 编译器工作原理 |
https://www.huy.rocks/everyday/04-01-2022-typescript-how-the-compiler-compiles |
02:18 |
一篇博客|一些易被忽略的 HTML 属性 |
https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/03/html-attributes-you-never-use |
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00:09 |
GitHub issues 打印机 |
https://aschmelyun.com/blog/i-built-a-receipt-printer-for-github-issues |
00:29 |
Oh heck|一个智能终端指令输入工具 |
https://oh-heck.dev/ |
00:52 |
dagger|一个现代化的 CI/CD 工具包 |
https://dagger.io/ https://dagger.io/blog/public-launch-announcement |
01:11 |
React 发布18.0版本 |
https://reactjs.org/blog/2022/03/29/react-v18.html |
01:22 |
Chrome Experiments 的银河系实验 |
https://stars.chromeexperiments.com/ |
01:40 |
arpchat|用 ARP 协议实现的在线聊天工具 |
https://github.com/kognise/arpchat |
02:03 |
Calenday| 一个多人共享日历 |
https://calenday.co/ |
02:21 |
WebAssembly 运行 Python |
https://2022.pycon.de/program/SBCNDY |
02:49 |
Blog Search|技术类搜索引擎 |
https://blogsurf.io/ |
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00:08 |
appwrite|为 web、mobile 和 flutter 开发者提供的开源后端服务 |
https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite |
00:37 |
Bionic Reading|一个用高亮标注的阅读工具 |
https://bionic-reading.com/ |
01:04 |
diagrams.net |老牌绘图工具更新功能 |
https://www.diagrams.net/ |
01:19 |
Smort|一个可编辑其它网站文章的工具 |
https://www.smort.io/ |
01:49 |
fzf|命令行中通用的模糊查询工具 |
https://github.com/junegunn/fzf |
01:57 |
一个 node.js 的 Postgres 数据库客户端 |
https://www.tangramvision.com/blog/hands-on-with-postgresql-authorization-part-2-row-level-security |
02:07 |
mdn 推出 plus 订阅计划|Mozilla 商业化新尝试 |
https://hacks.mozilla.org/2022/03/introducing-mdn-plus-make-mdn-your-own/ |
02:45 |
一篇题为 《Data Mesh 架构》的文章 |
https://www.datamesh-architecture.com/ |
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00:08 |
文献管理工具 Zotero 发布 6.0 版本 |
https://www.zotero.org/blog/zotero-6/ |
00:25 |
Plasticity | 用 web 开发的3D 艺术建模开源软件 |
https://github.com/nkallen/plasticity |
00:55 |
Lapce |基于原生 GUI 和 Rust 编写的开源代码编辑器 |
https://lapce.dev/ |
01:17 |
Awesome TUIs| 收集提供终端用户界面项目清单 |
https://github.com/rothgar/awesome-tuis |
01:36 |
K9s |一个终端中 UI 强大的 K8s 客户端 |
https://github.com/derailed/k9s |
01:43 |
Tiny renderer|500 行代码学习 openGL|附演示教程 |
https://jvns.ca/blog/2022/03/13/celebrate-tiny-learning-milestones/ |
02:00 |
GO 发布1.18版本支持泛型 |
https://golang.google.cn/ |
02:14 |
CSS-Tricks 网站被 DigitalOcean 收购 |
https://css-tricks.com/css-tricks-is-joining-digitalocean/ |
02:35 |
Veloren |一个基于 Rust 开发的开源多人 RPG 游戏 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCC1C5KIeUA |
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00:08 |
关于 TypeScript 的两条新闻 |
00:21 |
TypeScript 向 JS 提议增加类型系统 |
00:40 |
Stripe 将 JS 代码库从 Flow 迁移到 TypeScript |
01:17 |
Godot |一个开源游戏引擎 |
https://godotengine.org/ |
01:41 |
苹果将发售 Mac Studio|M1 芯片成为新杀手锏 |
https://www.apple.com/mac-studio/ |
01:58 |
关于数据库索引工作原理的解答 |
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1108/how-does-database-indexing-work |
02:24 |
dasel |单一工具完成 JSON、TOML 等文件的读取和修改 |
https://github.com/TomWright/dasel |
02:45 |
“请停止使用 :latest 标签”|一篇关于版本安全的文章 |
https://platformers.dev/log/2022/latest-literally-kills-puppies/ |
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00:08 |
Mozilla 的 MDN 文档全新上线 |
https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/ |
00:41 |
Mozilla 的3D虚拟空间产品 |
https://hubs.mozilla.com/ |
01:01 |
HOPPSCOTCH |一个开源网络请求发送工具 |
https://hoppscotch.io/ |
01:19 |
Streamlit |一个使用 Python 直接开发 web UI 的工具 |
https://streamlit.io/ |
01:42 |
Textframe |一个动画产品教程创建工具 |
https://textframe.app/ |
01:59 |
SaaS 产品开源替代品大全 |
https://github.com/RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives |
02:30 |
迷你掌上游戏机 playdate 开源了 SDK |
https://play.date/dev/ |
02:52 |
轻松一刻时间|小游戏 |
https://www.lessmilk.com/almost-pong/ |
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00:09 |
怎样实现一个最简单的 CRUD 应用?|本期专题问答 |
00:32 |
Django|CRUD 最佳工具/答案1 |
https://www.djangoproject.com/ |
00:49 |
PostgREST|CRUD 最佳工具/答案2 |
https://postgrest.org/en/stable/ |
01:19 |
nHOST|CRUD 最佳工具/答案3 |
https://nhost.io/ |
01:45 |
Grist|Airtable 的开源替代 |
https://www.airtable.com/ |
02:06 |
Automerge|JS 协同算法库 |
https://github.com/automerge/automerge |
02:34 |
Supernotes|笔记软件 |
https://supernotes.app/ |
02:45 |
Sioyek|论文专用 PDF 阅读器 |
https://github.com/ahrm/sioyek |
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00:09 |
Mermaid | GitHub 的 Markdown 新功能 |
https://github.blog/2022-02-14-include-diagrams-markdown-files-mermaid/ |
00:33 |
Arduboy | 8位迷你游戏机 |
https://www.arduboy.com/ |
00:52 |
Glitch | 一个 PaaS 平台 |
https://glitch.com/ |
01:14 |
allotropia | 基于 WASM 在浏览器中运行 LibreOffice |
https://www.allotropia.de/ |
01:50 |
Honeypot 制作的 K8s 纪录片 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE77h7dmoQU |
02:09 |
Hue.tools | 颜色处理工具 |
https://hue.tools/ |
02:31 |
shortwave | 邮件工具 |
https://www.shortwave.com/blog/introducing-shortwave/ |
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00:09 |
blender3.0 图形渲染工具 |
https://www.blender.org/download/releases/3-0/ |
00:31 |
uBlacklist - 阻止特定的站点出现在谷歌的搜索结果中 |
https://github.com/iorate/uBlacklist |
00:45 |
Apache Guacamole 无客户端的远程桌面网端 |
https://guacamole.apache.org/ |
01:13 |
Learn X in Y minutes |
https://learnxinyminutes.com/ |
01:33 |
《语义搜索的自然语言处理》 |
https://www.pinecone.io/learn/nlp/ |
01:50 |
Jam 自部署工具 |
https://github.com/jam-systems/jam |
02:10 |
Milk Video 通过上传的视频和音频生成声波图的工具 |
https://app.milkvideo.com/ |
02:24 |
AlterClass -一个制作和销售编程课程的平台 |
https://alterclass.io/ |
02:43 |
Code Search 搜索代码工具 |
https://github.blog/2021-12-08-improving-github-code-search/ |
02:55 |
Lapce |基于原生 GUI 和 Rust 编写的开源代码编辑器 |
https://github.com/lapce/lapce |
03:07 |
Rough.js -创建一个手绘的,粗略的图形外观的工具 |
https://roughjs.com/ |
03:15 |
Doodle CSS 手绘风格的主题css |
https://chr15m.github.io/DoodleCSS/ |
03:30 |
Paper Website 从纸上建立一个网站界面 |
https://daily.tinyprojects.dev/paper_website |
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00:09 |
Files Gallery|应用 |
https://www.files.gallery/ |
00:22 |
Tally|工具 |
https://tally.so/ |
00:40 |
Datawrapper|工具 |
https://www.datawrapper.de/ |
01:04 |
onemodel|工具 |
https://www.onemodel.app/ |
01:20 |
Postman|工具 |
https://blog.postman.com/postman-now-supports-grpc/ |
01:29 |
Laravel 9.0 发布 |
https://laravel-news.com/laravel-9-released |
01:46 |
Mailwind|邮件模版 |
https://github.com/soheilpro/mailwind |
02:05 |
《 backend.sql + frontend.js = love》|文章 |
https://blog.polyglot.network/backend.sql-+-frontend.js-love |
02:25 |
《Top web hacking techniques of 2021》|文章 |
02:41 |
SHA256 算法可视化演示 |
https://sha256algorithm.com/ |
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00:08 |
Hibiki HTML -新的前端框架-没有脚手架,没有Webpack |
https://playground.hibikihtml.com/tutorial/ |
00:40 |
Systemd by Example |
https://systemd-by-example.com/ |
01:03 |
Malloy – A Better SQL, from Looker |
https://github.com/looker-open-source/malloy |
01:23 |
Rich Cli 由Python编写,可打印各种格式丰富的内容 |
https://github.com/Textualize/rich-cli |
01:45 |
《我是如何在AWS上发现数千个开放数据库的》 |
https://infosecwriteups.com/how-i-discovered-thousands-of-open-databases-on-aws-764729aa7f32 |
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00:08 |
波斯王子 一款为Mac开发的游戏 |
00:25 |
《一个HTML文件中的整个网站》 |
https://css-tricks.com/a-whole-website-in-a-single-html-file/ |
00:49 |
街头霸王2 |
01:21 |
emfy Emacs编辑器的配置项目 |
https://github.com/susam/emfy |
01:38 |
HTTP Toolkit |
https://httptoolkit.tech/ |
01:59 |
Exa - ls的现代替代品 |
https://the.exa.website/ |
02:26 |
Marktext -优雅的Markdown编辑器,适用于Linux, macOS, Windows |
https://github.com/marktext/marktext |
02:44 |
Tokio rust编写的开源异步库 |
https://tokio.rs/blog/2021-12-announcing-tokio-console |
03:01 |
Ruby 3.1 |
https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2021/12/25/ruby-3-1-0-released/ |
03:11 |
Python CheatSheet python 问题查询手册 |
https://gto76.github.io/python-cheatsheet/ |
03:37 |
《2021年的数据库:回顾的一年》 |
https://ottertune.com/blog/2021-databases-retrospective/ |
04:07 |
Miller -用于查询、塑造、重新格式化CSV、TSV和JSON中的数据的工具 |
https://miller.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ |
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00:07 |
Charm 用来开发命令行工具的框架 |
https://charm.sh/ |
00:31 |
Nova 一个专门给Mac设计的代码编辑器 |
https://nova.app/ |
00:46 |
rnote 创建手绘风格的笔记软件 |
https://github.com/flxzt/rnote |
00:59 |
github action 使用示例 |
https://www.actionsbyexample.com/ |
01:25 |
playwright web自动化框架 |
https://github.com/microsoft/playwright |
02:03 |
prql rust编写的现代化查询语言 |
https://github.com/prql/prql |
02:27 |
Deskreen 屏幕共享工具 |
https://deskreen.com/lang-zh_CN |
02:47 |
《为什么我们团队取消了微服务的计划》 |
https://steven-lemon182.medium.com/why-our-team-cancelled-our-move-to-microservices-8fd87898d952 |
03:19 |
《将SQLite存储在Cloudflare耐用对象中》 |
https://ma.rkusa.st/store-sqlite-in-cloudflare-durable-objects |
03:44 |
《Kubernetes如此复杂有两个原因》 |
https://buttondown.email/nelhage/archive/two-reasons-kubernetes-is-so-complex/ |
时间轴 |
简介 |
链接 |
00:08 |
faker.js 删库事件新进展 |
https://github.com/faker-js/faker |
00:37 |
暴雪被收购 |
https://news.microsoft.com/2022/01/18/microsoft-to-acquire-activision-blizzard-to-bring-the-joy-and-community-of-gaming-to-everyone-across-every-device/ |
01:00 |
PyFlow|一个可视化编程环境 |
https://github.com/wonderworks-software/PyFlow |
01:14 |
CSS 选择器练习题网站 |
https://css-speedrun.netlify.app/ |
01:27 |
GPS 工作原理详解 |
https://ciechanow.ski/gps/ |
01:47 |
Lichess | 一个国际象棋服务器的支出分析 |
https://lichess.org/ |
02:25 |
谷歌分析在欧盟合法性及其替代品 |
https://isgoogleanalyticsillegal.com/ |
02:53 |
AWS DynamoDB 十年回顾 |
https://www.amazon.science/latest-news/amazons-dynamodb-10-years-later |
03:18 |
CyberChef | 一个数据格式转换工具 |
https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/ |
03:32 |
curl | 最近支持了 JSON |
https://curl.se/ |
03:42 |
轻松一刻|弹珠撞击木块游戏 |
https://wallsmash.com/ |
时间轴 |
简介 |
链接 |
00:07 |
开源软件被植入恶意代码 |
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/dev-corrupts-npm-libs-colors-and-faker-breaking-thousands-of-apps/ |
00:38 |
Browsix 浏览器中实现 POSIX |
https://browsix.org/ |
01:09 |
GitHub Copilot |
https://dagshub.com/blog/github-copilot-not-code/ https://github.com/features/copilot |
01:29 |
Learn and Test DMARC 一个可视化工具 |
https://www.learndmarc.com/ |
01:46 |
BookStack 一个开源 wiki 工具 |
https://www.bookstackapp.com/ |
02:06 |
Poly Haven 如何花不到400美金处理80TB数据和500万次页面访问的 |
https://blog.polyhaven.com/how-we-handle-80tb-and-5m-page-views-a-month-for-under-400/ |
03:33 |
Kagi 一个新型高级付费搜索引擎 |
https://kagi.com/ |
04:07 |
介绍两个 Cli 工具: dsq 和 fx |
https://datastation.multiprocess.io/blog/2022-01-11-dsq.html https://github.com/antonmedv/fx |
04:38 |
轻松一刻时间|介绍一个打发时间的小游戏 |
https://looptap.vasanthv.com/ |