moviepy copied to clipboard
Issue with concat videos
I have an intro and outro that I need to concatinate in several clips.
Expected Behavior
The clip should be the same as the original along with the intro and outro.
Actual Behavior
The clip that is now with an intro and outro looks all distorted.
Steps to Reproduce the Problem
from moviepy.editor import *
import os
def get_files_in_directory(path: str) -> list:
This function retrieves all the files from a specified directory.
path: str
The path of the directory from which to retrieve the files.
files: list
A list of file paths in the specified directory.
# Initialize an empty list to store the files.
files = []
# Iterate over each file in the specified directory.
for file in os.listdir(path):
# Check if the current path is a file.
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, file)):
# If it is a file, append it to the files list.
# Return the list of files.
return files
def add_loops(videos: list,
intro_path: str,
outro_path: str,
sound_track_path: str,
output_path: str) -> None:
This function loops each video in the input list five times, adds an intro and an outro clip,
and overlays a soundtrack.
videos: list
A list of video file paths to be processed.
intro_path: str
The file path of the intro clip.
outro_path: str
The file path of the outro clip.
sound_track_path: str
The file path of the soundtrack.
output_path: str
The directory path where the processed videos will be saved.
# Iterate over each video in the input list.
for video in videos:
# Load the current video file.
clip = VideoFileClip(video)
clip_size = clip.size
# Repeat the current clip five times.
clips = [clip] * 5
# Concatenate the repeated clips into one continuous clip.
clip = concatenate_videoclips(clips)
# Load the intro and outro clips.
intro_clip = VideoFileClip(intro_path)
outro_clip = VideoFileClip(outro_path)
# Concatenate the intro clip, the repeated video, and the outro clip.
final_clip = concatenate_videoclips([intro_clip, clip, outro_clip])
# Load the soundtrack and trim it to match the duration of the final clip.
# soundtrack = AudioFileClip(sound_track_path).subclip(0, final_clip.duration)
# Set the audio of the final clip to the soundtrack.
# final_clip = final_clip.set_audio(soundtrack)
# Write the final clip to a file in the specified output directory.
# The function does not return anything.
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get a list of all video files in a specified directory.
video_list = get_files_in_directory(path="../videos/vg_vids")
# Loop each video in the list, add an intro and an outro, and overlay a soundtrack.
- Python Version: 3.11
- MoviePy Version: 1.0.3
I encountered a similar issue. The workaround I discovered was to ensure that every video clip has the same size.
@keikoro @jorgesisco I would like to pick this one up , can it be assigned to me?