moviepy copied to clipboard
How to modify this script that it can utilize GPU instead of CPU - moviepy > VideoFileClip
I have the following script to split video into chunks and get certain number of chunks. It works good but uses cpu instead of my RTX 3090 GPU
How can I make it use GPU in the final render? Thank you so much for answers
import math
import moviepy.editor as mp
import subprocess
import sys
# Define the input video file path and desired output duration
input_file = "install_second_part_2x.mp4"
output_duration = 158 # in seconds
# Load the input video file into a moviepy VideoFileClip object
video = mp.VideoFileClip(input_file)
# Calculate the number of 5-second chunks in the video
chunk_duration = 5
num_chunks = math.ceil(video.duration / chunk_duration)
# Create a list to hold the selected chunks
selected_chunks = []
# Calculate the number of chunks to select
output_num_chunks = math.ceil(output_duration / chunk_duration)
# Calculate the stride between adjacent chunks to select
stride = num_chunks // output_num_chunks
# Loop through the chunks and select every stride-th chunk
for i in range(num_chunks):
if i % stride == 0:
chunk = video.subclip(i*chunk_duration, (i+1)*chunk_duration)
progress = i / num_chunks * 100
sys.stdout.write(f"\rProcessing: {progress:.2f}%")
# Keep adding chunks until the output duration is reached
output = selected_chunks[0]
for chunk in selected_chunks[1:]:
if output.duration < output_duration:
output = mp.concatenate_videoclips([output, chunk])
# Write the output video to a file
output_file = "install_part_cut.mp4"
if you have a nvidia gpu, you can just run write_videofile(output_file, codec="h264_nvenc")
to check your codecs, run ffmpeg -codecs